Notice she did call her “smart” A key quality that alludes Cortes!
Seems to me, Pa Saki doesn’t understand what happened on Nov 5th. She doesn’t seem to get that even some stalwart DemoncRats did not want Ultra Progressive ideas, so they voted for Our President TRUMP! When will the people with severe cases of TDS learn from their mistakes? I hope never, because I am looking for at least 12 years of prosperity under Conservative rule !!!
She’s as smart as a box of rocks so she would fit right in 😱
Bottom line. If we were to get far left stupidity beck in control ,This nation would end up in the trash. AOC is a bubble head.
Trump will hopefully lead the Republicans for generations to come.
AOC media Savvy🤣😂😂What a joke!!
So the Dem party still has a little hope. Bernie Sanders started this socialist movement they the younger generation clung to and gave AOC a rise to power.
People can say what they want about AOC however she has raised herself up to be powerful in Congress.
The younger people were supposed to hold house seats and learn to lead them move in to senator. Now we have career house members that would die before giving up any power.
Maybe they should keep those radical lefties in the limelight so the people keep seeing who and what they stand for.
Sorry. Not Sorry. If AOC is considered media smart it is simply because democrat media is simply propaganda. And now the democrats see that also. Do yourself a favor and listen to something besides fake news.
AOC in the senate would be like putting a stripper pole and jello wrestling pit on the senate floor. The old perverted farts would be happy but Americans would be disgraced yet again by her stupidity and ignorance. She has to have something going on under the table to get where she is with zero talent or political policy to make a difference for her constituents that she has abandoned.
If AOC were ever be put into a position of power regardless of where it is it would be a disaster!! Really, a box of rocks is smarter than this bartender and has more personality!! 😡
AOC = Another Obnoxious Communist
A waitress who brings nothing to the table.
Will everyone please stop putting a microphone in front of peppermint patty’s cake hole!
Notice she did call her “smart” A key quality that alludes Cortes!
Seems to me, Pa Saki doesn’t understand what happened on Nov 5th. She doesn’t seem to get that even some stalwart DemoncRats did not want Ultra Progressive ideas, so they voted for Our President TRUMP! When will the people with severe cases of TDS learn from their mistakes? I hope never, because I am looking for at least 12 years of prosperity under Conservative rule !!!
She’s as smart as a box of rocks so she would fit right in 😱
Bottom line. If we were to get far left stupidity beck in control ,This nation would end up in the trash. AOC is a bubble head.
Trump will hopefully lead the Republicans for generations to come.
AOC media Savvy🤣😂😂What a joke!!
So the Dem party still has a little hope. Bernie Sanders started this socialist movement they the younger generation clung to and gave AOC a rise to power.
People can say what they want about AOC however she has raised herself up to be powerful in Congress.
The younger people were supposed to hold house seats and learn to lead them move in to senator. Now we have career house members that would die before giving up any power.
Maybe they should keep those radical lefties in the limelight so the people keep seeing who and what they stand for.
Sorry. Not Sorry. If AOC is considered media smart it is simply because democrat media is simply propaganda. And now the democrats see that also. Do yourself a favor and listen to something besides fake news.
AOC in the senate would be like putting a stripper pole and jello wrestling pit on the senate floor. The old perverted farts would be happy but Americans would be disgraced yet again by her stupidity and ignorance. She has to have something going on under the table to get where she is with zero talent or political policy to make a difference for her constituents that she has abandoned.
If AOC were ever be put into a position of power regardless of where it is it would be a disaster!! Really, a box of rocks is smarter than this bartender and has more personality!! 😡
AOC = Another Obnoxious Communist
A waitress who brings nothing to the table.
Will everyone please stop putting a microphone in front of peppermint patty’s cake hole!