(Commenting on)  VIDEO: Hillary Clinton calls Trump a threat to the planet just one day after 2nd attempt on his life



  1. She should be arrested for inciting violence in against Our President TRUMP. He should have arrested her during his 1st 4 years in office and put her away for life. They, the LibTard DemoncRats, say our rhetoric incites violence when we are just stating facts about Our Border and Economy. They actually are calling on their low IQ voters to kill members of the MAGA movement especially OPT. If they want to start a Civil War, they don’t know what are are asking for. Keep ’em locked, loaded and at hand.
    🇺🇲 TRUMP/Vance TSUNAMI 2024 🇺🇲

  2. From that po💩 Jeffries to this disgusting sack of guts continue to push hate and violence against DJT and the constitutional conservative base, WHY? The only threat to our republic is disgusting 🤮 garbage like you and your cult of devils that actually supports your sorry asses. Nothing but junkie trashy immoral scumbags. RM and the rest of the corrupt media is as disgusting as it gets, you confused 🤔 po💩.

    • jeffries the lowlife POS was attacking DJT blaming him for his own assassination. How dare this ugly cowpuck. This fuckhead jeffries is a deranged mental patient from one flew over the cuckoo’s nest. Schedule him for a lobotomy. He is like any other lowlife democrat all in the same category of useless. Now this useless cowpuck cockroach hillary has to add her 2 cents worth. STFU hillary. You are known for clintoncide to others. What’s the count up to now hillary? About 67 people who had dealings with you have mysteriously died or committed suicide? Try it hillary, the world will rejoice.

  3. I agree with Dee. Hillary is deranged, her TDS has escalated to the point she’s asking for violence against a man who she’s blatantly lying about. The left is running on lies they’re spreading against their opposition because they have nothing else! I pray God continues to protect President Trump against the harm & evil the left wishes upon him.

  4. I’m Locked and Loaded and Ready to defend our Constitutional Republic (Democracy) Hillary and Bill made Millions through the Fraudulent Clinton Foundation, Just Like the Biden’s and the Obama’s , Build a large Gallows for the entire Phony Corrupt Traitorous Lot. We the People 🇺🇸 Trump Vance 🇺🇸 .

  5. Yes ,continuing to Incite and cater to the deranged ,pliable drones who believe EVERYTHING the swamp and corrupt media shoves down thier throats . I agree Trump.shojld hire Dan Bongino with a team of the sharpest and very best security Dan Bongino.selects. I am also very happy DeSantis had this in his teeth and isn’t letting go.

  6. She should be in Gitmo for all she has done!! She has no right to be talking about anyone!
    Trump 2024 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  7. Benghazi, bleechbit, Haiti (stole the money and the children from orphanages) we could go on all day why she belongs in GITMO along with Bill. She does this so Trump won’t hold her accountable when he wins 47!


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