Why should it depend on if the girl files charges? It is assault plan and simple.
As stated above the attacker should be kicked out of the sport.
It appears she didn’t just hit her once but a few times
Charge her. There are consequences for assault and battery or possibly murder. Life threatening injuries are a crime. We must hold those accountable for breaking laws.
The race should be done over
Apologize? Are you kidding? This was an ASSAULT, pure and simple. The assailant should be expelled from her school, be banned from the sport forever, prosecuted and sent to prison.
Hmmm, no surprise typical of the culture of dumb that all you ignorant shills pander, patronize and prop up. I gave up watching sports, the ignorant thugs have ruined what was once a enjoyable activity, no more!
If that was me, I would file charges and also demand in the settlement that the school be disqualified from the events that day and the student be banned from high school sports as a cheater.
File charges. The aggressor should be banned from competing in that sport for life. Consequences!! Maybe she will learn that violence isn’t an option. She hit her more than once. Disgusting behavior.
Let me guess! It was a slip
That runner should have been charged with assault.
She should be charged with assault and never be aloud to play sports again.
Why should it depend on if the girl files charges? It is assault plan and simple.
As stated above the attacker should be kicked out of the sport.
It appears she didn’t just hit her once but a few times
Charge her. There are consequences for assault and battery or possibly murder. Life threatening injuries are a crime. We must hold those accountable for breaking laws.
The race should be done over
All these people know is violence.Lucky she didn’t get shot
Apologize? Are you kidding? This was an ASSAULT, pure and simple. The assailant should be expelled from her school, be banned from the sport forever, prosecuted and sent to prison.
Unbelievably sick behavior on a sports field.
Usual suspect; feral black woman hitting a precious white lady. The blacks overall need to really revamp who they are.
Henry you should read the article or at least watch the video. They are both black.
Hmmm, no surprise typical of the culture of dumb that all you ignorant shills pander, patronize and prop up. I gave up watching sports, the ignorant thugs have ruined what was once a enjoyable activity, no more!
If that was me, I would file charges and also demand in the settlement that the school be disqualified from the events that day and the student be banned from high school sports as a cheater.
File charges. The aggressor should be banned from competing in that sport for life. Consequences!! Maybe she will learn that violence isn’t an option. She hit her more than once. Disgusting behavior.