(Commenting on)  VIDEO: Hatchet-wielding, hard-partying migrants take over Texas hotel — turning it into a haven for notorious gang



  1. Why not send in the National Guard or some form of military and run these rats back across the border. Guess we will just have to wait until after the election and let Trump take care of it because the current administration sure won’t do anything, they are the ones responsible for it. They own it and have blood on their hands as if they killed and maimed themselves.

  2. Biden and Harris might as well say “Heres the migrants. Deal with them because we invited them here if you like it or not”.

  3. Yes, they need to send the National Guard in to round all these the scumbag gang members up and send them back to Venezuela! Air drop them special delivery to the guy who cleaned out all his prisons and sent them to us!!!

  4. 😡😡🤬🤬Despise everyone in this Administration!! The past 3.5 yrs have been hell now gangs popping up all over the place! Trump was right about everything, he said this would happen.

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