(Commenting on)  VIDEO: Harris supporter screams in toddler’s face in front of shocked dad at rally



  1. Well when they want to murder the unborn up until the moment of birth. This is not a surprise to me . They are unhinged. Im sure they know who she is you can clearly see her face and so easy to identify. If this was a republican the left would be freaking out and would have her in jail already.

  2. She’d be eating her TEETH if it were my child ,course I’d never abuse MY child being anywhere NEAR a communist rally and HUGE SHAME in Willy ……

    • Willy has turned into a total rectum. Ninety one year old a$$h0le whose brain is fried from wacky weed. F**k him. And leave your weed holding fingers off my AR-15!

  3. Expect the Trump win reaction from the left to be worse than 2016 Naomi Wolf was on a podcast listing everything they’ll do it’s going to be absolutely crazy between Nov 5 and Jan 20. They will do everything they can to prevent Trump from becoming president

  4. Two things that are wrong in this video. The woman ( regardless of party that doesn’t matter) screaming like that at this child and the woman who was laughing at the adult yelling at the toddler … Deranged people come in all sizes and this has nothing to do with politics and everything to do with mental illness

  5. If that was my child I would have back handed her right in her F_ _king nose and broke the bitches face!! I would have never never allowed anyone to yell at my child ever!!

  6. Talk about. threat to democracy!!!!! That is what it looks like in real life.. That is child abuse. i hope someone has a big “stick” so they can use it!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. The ones laughing are just like her. We probably know who this byotch is. The democrats deny but it’s because she went way over the top. If she was supporting Trump I would hope one of us would come forward with her identify . She certainly was not ashamed of what she did because she continued yelling at the man.

  8. That would not have ended well for her if that was my child or granddaughter. I’m easygoing until you attack my family. These high strung mental psychopaths need prayers.

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