(Commenting on)  VIDEO: KAMALA HARRIS: “We must have the courage to object” to the terms “radical Islamic terrorism” and “illegal alien”



  1. Fuck you kamala. That is what these maggots are….radical islamic terrorists and illegal fucking freeloaders.

  2. A rose by any other name is still a rose. The same holds true for Islamic terrorists and illegal aliens. They are what they are and shall remain so in the vocabularies of the majority of US citizens. See how that works Kamala? …Takes no courage at all, just an unwillingness to bend to your radical agenda for fundamentally changing our country.

  3. Wonder when those morons cheering for her in that audience upon seeing the carnage today in Israel will.still.agree to NOT use labels that are VALID. They should be FORCED to.open thier windows.and doors to the ILLEGALS as well ..they talk big fir people that do NOTHING .

  4. FKH and F Obama. This is his doing. All legal citizens should be outraged. Vote RED!! Vote TRUMP!!

  5. Sorry to bring in another name, but Mark Levin played past comments by Harris and skewered her for them. This was on a recent podcast of his. We need more of that. I’d like to hear a segment or two from DML along the same lines. Just a suggestion.

    • I just watched Mark Levin this evening. Good man indeed. Mr. Levin said he will do everything in his power to see that the slutbag kamala does not become our next president. She is a radical left hamas lover, a communist, a facist and a hater of America. How can her husband who is Jewish not despise what she is representing. Do they have bedroom talk that she actually supports Israel but cannot tell Americans or is that marriage just for show.

  6. Rose by any other name is still a rose ! Radical Islamic terrorist and illegal alien describe to a t what these individuals /groups are and will continue to be regardless of what politically motivated moniker you choose. It takes real courage to speak the truth, Kamala….a lesson you need to learn before you lecture others.

  7. In other words she believes everyone should lie about the truth right in front of their faces. Radical Islamic terrorists and illegal aliens is what they ARE.

  8. I am offend by dumbass running are country!! I offend by people claiming they are black when they are not just to get special treatment ! I am offend by politicians lying to me everyday and thinks I dumb enough to believe them !! I am offend by woke liberals that think what the believe rules my world

  9. I will not stand down to these radical islamic terrorists. They are the maggots of the world. Nor will I call illegal freeloaders anything other than what they are. They are illegal freeloaders. GTFO of my country.

    • I have added a few adjectives to kamala…..komela the kackling klown kommunist KKK kunt. Let’s keep adding to it by adding words that begin with “K”. Ain’t karma a bitch, ehh kamala? My goal is 20.

  10. Tomorrow she will be calling Hard working, overtaxed MAGA supporters White Supremacists and nationalist! She is a pathetic parasite on our country and must go!

  11. Hey Kammie, If I put a pile of s..t in front of you and told you it was chocolate pie, would you eat it? Changing words to fit your agenda doesn’t make it true. An ILLEGAL is anyone who crossed the boarder ILLEGALLY, and a TERROIST, is what it is, so you better get those words straight or eat that “ chocolate pie”.

  12. I call it as I see it and I will not bend to her radical ideology! The maggots that are breaking into this country illegally are breaking our laws! And the pigs with their faces and heads covered with table cloths shouting “death to America and Jews” are radical Islamic TERRORISTS! There is no room in this country for either of them! Deport them!

  13. Look across America and see what kind of people are getting elected and placed in the court systems shills, this is by design and it isn’t good ol whitey anymore. It’s the ruination of our once great country and unfortunately the dumbing down has worked as designed along with indoctrination of your children for 12+ years and if they go to the corrupt colleges 4+ more years. Most would rather sit on their sofa or bar stool rooting for their “team” while stuffing their faces with chinamart chips sipping bud lite. As the cards are shuffled and handed out to the masses the “race card” will be in every hand, watch this one play out. Trying to rationalize with ignorance is next to impossible.

  14. Wow I just read the headlines a d I was so pissed but apparently thank God so is every living American here. We call them radical Islamic terrorist because they are. They want to eliminate us. That’s everyone the libs also. We call them illegal aliens because they are breaking the law by walking through our open doors. Which makes them illegal opposed to just aliens. If we don’t get out to vote we have nobody to blame but ourselves. I see one person wearing a Harris 2024 shirt and it made me want to say something that wasn’t going to be nice. VOTE AND FIGHT FOR THIS COUNTRY.

  15. kamala, you cannot sugarcoat “terrorists and illegal freeloaders”, you can only cover them up by using softer words. Remember those old phrases “you can’t polish a turd”, and “you can’t put lipstick on a pig”. Evidently, we can polish your ass either. It’s still an ass.

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