(Commenting on)  VIDEO: Harris Advisory Board Member: We ‘Want to Unleash Nationally’ What We Did in California on Immigration



  1. Well why hasn’t Kamala Harris been doing something about the border wall, she’s had four years to do something about it and has done absolutely nothing. You are nothing but a liar. You think Harris is so good. Trump has proven what he has done already which was a lot compared to Harris doing absolutely nothing in her four years. Trump 2024.

    • She has no intention in building the Border Wall. Read this article. This Senator Padilla spilled the beans, on what they want to do, is to turn America into California, Open Borders. Allow every Tom, Dick, and Harry into America!!

  2. So this IDIOT Padilla says that it is Our President TRUMP’S fault that the “Ukraine Funding Bill” didn’t pass but he voted against it. How good could it have been if the Good Senator voted against it. What a LibTard DemoncRAT!

  3. Unleash? No, fully open the border. No asylum, no parole, no TPS, none of that boring stuff that slows down entry. Throw the doors open e en wider than they are and as soon as tor touches US soil, give out citizenship as though it counts for nothing. Then continue to decrease support for actual Americans until we live in poverty while the illegals laugh at us

  4. I don’t think it’s a good selling point to follow in Californias footsteps. Kamala’s influence has ruined much of our state esp the big cities. So Kamala, you are screwed.

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