(Commenting on)  VIDEO: GOP senator slams Clinton’s Trump remarks after second assassination attempt



  1. Did anyone catch the close-up photo of this old sow despicable sub-human. She has the look of satan in her eyes. How many people did you clintoncide hillary? Is the count up to about 67 now, hillary? It’s your turn. Americans will rejoice.

    • She could fill in for behar. No difference. Both ugly, useless, vile, and hateful. And she is not whoopie’s shade who is another sewer rat.

  2. With all the stress that President Trump and his family have endured, he certainly looks handsome and ages gracefully. Now hillary just ages. No wonder willie the wanker likes young and strange. He would have to put a brown paper bag over her head to bone jump hillary. The beautiful Melania is like a Maserati, a fine Italian Sports Car. And hillary is like a Ford Pinto #2615 Medium Lime Yellow or as I call it, monkey puke green.

  3. Do something about it please! These hate filled lies are encouraging violence against Trump & since when does she have the right to make these hate comments putting Trump in danger!

  4. The old Clinton cow cant give it up. She lost and is bent on getting Trump back even if its getting someone to kill him. She is a threat to Trump and America.

  5. This woman is not a good person BUT calling for her demise brings us Patriots down to their level. Prayer and belief in our Lord is the way! 🙏❤🇺🇲

  6. It’s the devil commie DEMONcrate party and it’s cult that’s the real threat to our republic DJT exposed their sorry asses and look what they have attempted to do, add in a corrupt media funded by evil money, education indoctrination and you have the mess we’re in.

  7. Democrats got men killed in Benghazi, Democrats are responsible for what happened in Afghanistan when 13 US soldiers were killed! Hillary is ruthless, and should have been thrown in jail

  8. Hilary losing may have been the biggest escape we in America have ever experienced in terms of what the Democrats might have wrought. To think they have gone from an evil genius to a peabrain just shows you how confident they are in their rigged system. God help us all.

    VOTE TRUMP 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


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