(Commenting on)  VIDEO: Former CNN host calls Trump supporters ‘dumb f—ing idiots’ with ‘stupid MAGA brain’



  1. That is why he is a former cnn host. Pull the race card with the white comment. I hope he is fired from his present job forever. Who wants to employ someone like him.

  2. I will never forget Don Lemon on a New Years Eve night in Times Square so drunk he can’t stand up straight. So I have no respect for any of his conclusions. On National TV

  3. Poor little don, do you need a pacifier and an adult toy to take to your safe space or a pink hat? Go kiss a train and the entire world will be better off without your racist arse.

  4. Well we all know lemmon likes to drink during new years. What a way to prove how you sit have no journalist integrity. While you pretended that CNN was fair and balanced. With your rant you proved everything that has been said about CNN

  5. Hmmm, talk about dumb coming from the culture of dumb. Just a washed up mentality ill pervert. Racist po💩. Of course this dummy supported the ignorant cackling dummy, go figure and he’s calling us dumb 😂😂😂😂.

  6. I knew it had to be Don Lemon’s drunk racist ass🤪how does his white boyfriend put up with him.😜😂🤣 Who cares Donny boy, even CNN got rid of him, who’s in acult?🍋 big cry baby🍋

  7. If I was to be honest, I think Don is so unhappy with his miserable life that, there is a chance he might just take his own life in the near future.

  8. Gay,racist, libtard and so stupid!! Just saw this on Terrence K Williams with choice words for him also. Don the Dumb needs to move to Venezuela. He’s sick in the head . Get help!!

    • Diane, Ha! That’s a good one! “Don Lemon has a case of sour lemons!” I’ve got to remember that! I like it!

      Once a moron, always a moron, I always say! I didn’t even want to listen to his stupid rant! He’s a total waste of my time!

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  9. Well Donny boy, these MAGA brains have taken you and the rest of you deranged liberals down now haven’t we. You are just an insignificant flea on life’s ass. Grab your puppy and pacifier and go find yourself a safe space to cry in. No one, and I mean, NO ONE, wants to hear ANYTHING out of your mouth!

  10. He’s such a rabid racist. The sheer pain and anger that erupt from his mouth is both laughable and intriguing. Maybe he’ll pull an Ellen and move to another country since this one is “full of MAGA idiots” 😂😂😂

    Key note: 👉🏼FORMER👈🏼 CNN host

  11. I’m sorry… who are YOU?? You’re a washed up POS and absolutely no one gives 2 sh*ts about YOU and your “thoughts”… and I’m no one, from no where and see right thru you, you piece of trash! Boo Hoo, you little cry-baby!!

  12. How does lemon puss face get away with his racist comments when he has a white boyfriend; or shall I say, a honky (honkey) for a bedroom partner. You know that black people usually refer to white folks as honkys (honkeys). Wouldn’t racism affect that relationship. Just how does that work, don lemon? Not that I really care.

  13. Did anyone notice the really sicko picture over his sofa?? Really creepy!! Then again Don is really creepy!! He’s not funny and his twisted sense of reality is sickening!! He’s extremely racist and just all about himself!! Dear God.

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