(Commenting on)  VIDEO: Democrat mayor blasted for offering condolences to kin of armed maniac



  1. Whe i first saw this video I thought it was a mistake. I thought the Mayor had thought an innocent person died…
    Nope she was apologizing for a person who was trying to murder someone stalking them and putting a restaurant full of people in danger.
    Why. Easy don’t sue me….
    When are Americans going to wake up?
    She proved with her sentiment that Bostonians lives do not matter.
    She should have praised the off duty police officer for his quick actions that saved lives And took out a danger!! Period end of story..

  2. DemonRATS are, for the most part, soulless demon driven criminally minded idiots who need to be in mental hospitals and not in our government!! People need to wake up and quit electing these subhumans!!

  3. What is with New England states elected these people? They say you get what you vote for. Thank you to the off duty policeman that saved lives that day. Woke people wake up and have some common sense when voting for someone

  4. Some lunatic lawyer will take the civil lawsuit against the HERO policeman and/or the city will sue him. Bet on it!!! That’s what LibTards do.

    • You are absolutely correct on that Claude. The maniac is always praised and given a slap on the wrist. Good for the Officer who shot the pig. Threats are never warranted when a maniac is carrying a knife wanting to kill people just for fun. No sympathy for the knife carrier or the family from me.

  5. And to those complaining hopefully the next attack happens while enjoying a nice quiet dinner with your family or friends or both. So you just set there and watch as someone you love is about to be hacked up by a psychopath you just set and watch as your family gives up the ghost
    These people are controlled by SATAN


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