(Commenting on)  VIDEO: Dem strategist urges Kamala to avoid campaigning on life story, admits she’s not ‘all-American’



  1. Neither Kamala or Obama were really what you might call “ethnic African-Americans.” Actually Kamala isn’t African-American at all unless there is some such ancestry on the father’s side. Both were raised in affluent circumstances and in largely white settings. If she were in India she would be boasting instead that she is of Brahmin Aryan ancestry rather than black as there is substantial racial prejudice within the Subcontinent.

  2. Her parents are Indian… they raised her in Canada.. they were both Marxist professors… just like Obama… they will whitewash it all…

    • Finally someone put it out. She lived in Canada from age 5 to after High School. That makes her a Canadian influenced upbringing no matter where she was born.

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