(Commenting on)  VIDEO: Defiant Newsom responds to residents angry over wildfire response by pointing his finger



  1. I didn’t listen to the podcast. How does he have time to sit down and do any interviews? I understand press briefings but come on man..
    What I didn’t hear was I understand your anger we will get to the bottom of the issues. What is funny Newsome stated the low water pressure was a lie and that Trump was trying to throw politics into a tragedy.. newsome should name the issues and demand answers and not try to worm his way out of this

  2. Oh pretty boy will just pull out his mirror and tell himself how great he is and lie and blame everyone else and all his shill cult followers will bat their eyes in awe of their master. Ignorant scumbags

    • Newscum is no doubt drooling over the thought of billions in federal dollars that would come in. And of course, as usual, nothing of substance would get done except to claim he needs more and more and more, with no accounting of how and where the $$$ was spent. Will he just like the 100 billion spent in his “legacy” project, the high speed rail where after 10 years, not a single ldngth of rail has been laid.

  3. Gavin Newson your administration of fools are to blame Lord knows you have had enough time in office to get the scoop on the city’s problems Residents of Los Angeles have been addressing these problems for years and years Hey Gavin the more thats given to you the more is expected of you
    That’s why we elected you because you said you were the man for the job!!!
    You are officially fired now get out (RECALLGAVINNEWSOM)

  4. Exactly! And Newsome has a strange way of asking President Trump, to come visit, and blame Trump for the California wild fires, at the same time, WTH?. This is the worst governor I have seen, mabey in my lifetime. Act like the Governor of California Newscum!! Wow

  5. Newscum even blaming Trump… for no empathy!!! They’re videos of him telling him to clean up the forest floor back in 2018. No empathy, this is the guy who will donate his next 4 years salary to homeless veterans. Newsome just resign you loser. Take Karen Bass with you!

  6. What does he mean he doesn’t know, is he walking around LA with his head up his behind. Typical democrat blaming someone else. They all need to rot in prison.

  7. Does this ass kiss each of his shoulders every morning as he peers into the bathroom mirror. I guess this got his routine out of order…..he forgot his hair gel goes on first.

  8. There are no answers because Democratic incompetence is a team effort. Right now the whole democratic team is playing the game called…..

  9. Newsom is a narcissistic sociopath. He feels no guilt, only self preservation as a selfish deranged man. He is a slimy eel and i fear he will wiggle his way out of this mess. Californians are too stupid and Newsom has learned over decades how to handle Californians. He survived a recall, escaped scrutiny dining at the French Laundry during covid, escaped scandal after screwing his friend’s wife, wasting billions on a scam train, using up tax miney to give illegal aliens free medical insurance and immigration attorneys. With this list of shit shows, Californians love him. In the end if this fire, they will be praising him…you watch and see.

  10. Shouldn’t he be calling the actual president and asking him to come and see the damage? After all Biden is the president, isn’t he?

  11. With all the attention given to his hair, please someone tell me what his hair product is. Is it the same stuff Brandon Johnson spends $30,000 a year on?

    Originally posted on January 12th at

  12. Blaming President Trump after he told him to clean the forest floors! What a commie liar! Maybe this is the wake-up call you COMMIEfornia voters need to stop voting democRATS into office. No water in the fire hydrants, redirect water out to the Pacific Ocean, defund the fire and police departments. Wake the hell up. If after this you keep,NewSCUM, you all get more of what you deserve.

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