(Commenting on)  VIDEO: CNN commentator: Kamala Harris’ Attack On Ron DeSantis Was ‘Huge Campaign Mistake’



  1. She’s acting like she’s the president already. Ron done talked with Biden so why should he talk with her?

  2. kam-allah, stay the hell out of the way. Let the adults handle this. You just want recognition. STFU and sit down.

  3. Sounds like joe and kam-allah are not communicating very well. The dumb-ass donkey butt joe probably hates her guts and obamas. She was all in on it and complicit in his forced step-down from the Presidency. Just think, kam-allah threw joe under the bus. jill biden knows it, we know it, and the world knows it. All the hugs, kissy face, and hand shaking they do is only for show.

  4. She couldn’t lead a duck out of water everything this Commie does is for her narcissistic self! She’s beyond ignorant!

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