(Commenting on)  VIDEO: City council member fears ‘civil unrest’ as small southern town sees rise in migrants



  1. I saw this on AJ…a resident was accused of being in comfortable with being around people with a different skin color and stopped the meeting. I was sickened and feel so badly for those folks

  2. Th Council member has a lot of critical questions that are not being answered. The citizens of AL will take the law into their own hands if the Haitians do in their town what they have done in OH. All I can say is VOTE for Donald J TRUMP!
    🇺🇸 TRUMP/Vance TSUNAMI 2024 🇺🇸

    • Looking at the older ladies and very sweet middle aged guy who were complaining at the meeting I’m not so sure they will take matters into their hands. Everyone saw what happened on J6 and are afraid of the machine and see that no one will back them up …no one can afford to fight the machine on their own.

      • I disagree, don’t underestimate the resolve of sweet old ladies and nice middle aged men. JD Vance’s GM had numerous lethal weapons at her disposal. There are over 400 million weapons in the hands of Americans who will not hesitate to use their GOD given 2nd Amendment Right to protect themselves. Also, don’t kid yourself that they are only in the hands of Good ‘Ole Boys.
        🇺🇸 TRUMP/Vance TSUNAMI 2024 🇺🇸

        • Thank you Claude. You betcha. Our state is a Castle Doctrine and Stand Your Ground State. I wouldn’t hesitate one nano second to use what I have to deter or ground a thief who broke into my home, my car, or attacked me in a parking lot or tried to hijack my car. It is one of those “go ahead sucker, make my day” moments.

      • Hey, hey, hey. I am a sweet old lady and can kickbox, (trust me, I can), handle a Glock, have a Pilots License, I am 5′ tall and can hit my golf drive 180 yds off the tee. Don’t debunk sweet old ladies. We are more capable than you think. Sometimes people underestimate petite ladies. I never back down from anyone.

    • MORE OF WHAT. More of illegal freeloading maggots, higher gas prices, a border that is not secure. With no secure border, we have no country. I despise the kam-u-nist, KON, kommunist, kopykat, k-sucking, konniving, kackling kunt kamala. You could’t pay me to vote for that ho-bag.

  3. Vote for dems and this shit will continue until America is a shit hole!! I can’t even believe the media saying it’s a tight race! They are going to steal another election I have no freaking doubt! Better get prepared people..and they already warned the people not to confront Washington. Look how they imprisoned those who went in 2021. We are in serious trouble

  4. Hey shills, this is all be design to destroy these small “white” communities, notice how they never land in the ghetto inner cities??? And good ol whitey continues to pander, patronize, date, have the little mulattos in record numbers, as our own culture is compromised. Ignorant fools.

    • Remember when a bunch of freeloaders landed in Martha’s Vineyard when this first started. Those people took it upon themselves to get rid of them and bussed them out of their backyard. They should have bussed the maggots right into the ocean without a life jacket.


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