Total BS! They (nfl) allow BLM signs! And racist players to display their hate and racism on their uniforms! I’m so done with the nfl!
This is why I stopped supporting pro sports! It’s rigged anyway!
More traconian bullshit set up in our country by the fucking deep state ! They would not have to worry about anyone wearing a camel toe shirt ….. what about stadium’s that have Trump at games on the Jumbotrons ? More bullshit
Total BS! They (nfl) allow BLM signs! And racist players to display their hate and racism on their uniforms! I’m so done with the nfl!
This is why I stopped supporting pro sports! It’s rigged anyway!
More traconian bullshit set up in our country by the fucking deep state ! They would not have to worry about anyone wearing a camel toe shirt ….. what about stadium’s that have Trump at games on the Jumbotrons ? More bullshit
And yet the sheep keep watching. Sad.