(Commenting on)  VIDEO: Black female says it’s worst day of her life because Trump survived



    • She is black, what is your problem. We don’t have to be racist about this. In fact all the Hispanics that we know are Trump supporters. He has a large Hispanic following here in Texas, Biden is toast.

    • It’s ok Stevie, you were disturbed by what she said and reacted. I know you weren’t trying to be racist, someone can look black and still be Hispanic. I live in Florida sometimes I’m not sure. We are fortunate though that many Hispanics are Trump supporters.
      What she said was disgusting and vile, it angered me too, unfortunately we have to put up with Ignorant people.

  1. What stupid people the gimme race are.It’s Biden who is and has been a racist his entire life.From being mentored by the segregationists in Congress, voting against bussing,saying he didn’t want his children going to school with them,all of the racist things he says etc.What has he ever done for them?

  2. All I got to say is KARMA is a bitch and believe me when I say it will seek her out for such evil thinking!

  3. This woman has been indoctrinated, brainwashed and a spoiled little brat. How would she feel if someone said that about her life. The evil Democrats created this!

    • She/he/it must be a relative of joy reid who is also a reprehensible lowlife. People like her incite violence and division in America as does maxine waters.

  4. I don’t like Biden but I wouldn’t be happy if he was killed because no innocent person deserves to be killed.

    • Me Nope, biden is not innocent. He is a vile treasonous lying cockroach fake storyteller. He incited violence against conservatives in many speeches by calling all of us terrorists. It was his state of the union speech I vividly remember with all those dark swirling red/black satanism colors behind him. Remember that? Another poor way to speak to American Citizens just because we don’t agree with his pathetic policies. It just divides people further. joe needs to look in the mirror, but since he can’t even find his ass with both hands, he would have trouble finding a mirror to adjust with both hands that is big enough to show his ego. joe claims to be a devout Catholic. I don’t know any Catholic that supports murdering babies in the womb. Not only does joe think he is above the law, he thinks he is above Catholic doctrines also. Stay away from the Catholic Church joe, we don’t need you or want you there.

  5. She may think this is the worst day of her life…. But at this point she faces a really really bad eternity unless she gets her life right with her Maker.

  6. So her having said that, would it be ok for me to say its a sad day for me that Obama and biden are still breathing. No and it would never enter my mind to do so. I bet the FBI would be at my house in a flash if I said that on FB our tik tok.

  7. Just another psychopath controlled by Satan
    The Lake Of Fire is awaiting her arrival
    God Bless our nation and protect us from evil in Jesus Christ Name Amen 🙏

  8. Hate is a destructive force to one’s health and well being. It will ultimately destroy a person that harbors it.

  9. Blacks hate every thing including each other and them selves I think the devil love them too and make them his tools he flourish on hate and 95 precent of blacks his followers

  10. This skank doesn’t know what her worst day is yet. It will be when she dies and goes straight to the fire pits of hell and feels the pain and burn for eternity. That is where minutes will not only feel like eternity, they will be eternity. She ain’t felt nothin’ yet in the way of pain. satan is licking his chops for people like her.

  11. What is wrong with people? I can’t fathom having that much hate in your heart that you wish death to someone else. This whole country needs to come together and pray.

  12. Your worst state is yet to come the day you die and you meet your maker is going to send you directly to hell and you deserve it

  13. Lol…Just another dumb human whose load should have hit the bed post and was cleaned up with a paper towel worth more than her existence !!!…lolololol.

  14. She is not the only one like this. The indoctrination in schools, lying libs, and the corrupt new have poisoned the persons minds. She has serious TDS and is mentally off. And I’m sure she said much more than this. The hate is her problem and will eventually destroy her in the long run. Hate like this only comes from the devil 👿.

  15. The left is the largest hate group in America. MAGA, to its credit is keeping its cool. In doing so it will just attract more Americans into its coalition. Most Americans reject irrational hatred and want no part in it. You are seeing postings like this because we have not behaved like them. So they seek to provoke us. Best to walk in God’s grace and leave them to God’s judgment.

  16. This is the reality that the Democrats are desperate not to talk about. They have been setting Trump up as a Target ever since he walked down that golden escalator in New York City. Trump is hitler, Trump is a dictator, trump will destroy democracy, Trump will put us all in
    camps for re-education. Biden even said the day before that we must put a target – a bullseye on Trump. Jill even called him a rapist. They are responsible for setting the tone that inspired the shooter. And now they want to talk about unity! Give me a break! They are the ones that are turning the country into an armed camp and now they’re afraid it will come back to bite them, and it will, in November. Despite all their crocodile tears, they’re just sorry the shooter missed. It would solve all of their problems.

  17. Couldn’t have said it better; Thanks Bob.
    This is the reality that the Democrats are desperate not to talk about. They have been setting Trump up as a Target ever since he walked down that golden escalator in New York City. Trump is hitler, Trump is a dictator, trump will destroy democracy, Trump will put us all in
    camps for re-education. Biden even said the day before that we must put a target – a bullseye on Trump. Jill even called him a rapist. They are responsible for setting the tone that inspired the shooter. And now they want to talk about unity! Give me a break! They are the ones that are turning the country into an armed camp and now they’re afraid it will come back to bite them, and it will, in November. Despite all their crocodile tears, they’re just sorry the shooter missed. It would solve all of their problems.

  18. Scumbag disgusting culture that you shill white dummies patronize and prop up. A awful culture that has ruined America.

  19. Stop your terrible remarks about this black woman. As a black woman you know she’s entitled to say that she wants a white man murdered !!! That sick bitch. Put her in the same privilege class as Maxine W., Joy R., Whoopi G., & Michelle OsamaObama. All black bitches !!!

  20. This girl is the poster child for low life scum! As much as I dislike biden I don’t wish him death! I can only wish that karma lets us watch her get payback! And she will get payback for her hate and evilness !

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