(Commenting on)  VIDEO: Biden blasted for ‘absolutely disgusting’ joke during briefing on deadly wildfires



  1. He probably stayed awake all night trying to think of something “funny” to say. But HE is the biggest joke!

    Bet all his lackeys thought it was hysterical. Such a sad, sad excuse for the people supposedly running our country!

  2. We can never trust any other democrat even close to the White House in the future this party is responsible for those fires and everything else these idiots have done to destroy our country they can never be trusted again and the democrat party needs to run out of the country never to return. They are complete incompetent morons . Let’s see if California votes red after this if not they deserve what they voted for so they should keep there mouths shut they did it to themselves actually should have voted red they would still have there homes etc.

  3. His brain was glitching. It’s common with senility and or dementia. Their brains get a word or phrase stuck in there and then they can’t get it out. He also thinks he’s hilarious.


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