(Commenting on)  VIDEO: Actress says Californians Are Learning What Happens When You Elect Incompetent Democrats



  1. So the pity party begins because the commie devil DEMONcrate pervert “celebrities” are involved, seriously 😳? Watch this one play out shills.

  2. Our evil criminal government is doing this to us! Once again continually dividing us like this, does nothing but insight fear and control! Stop all the BS with the different parties and wake up and let’s get busy throwing this crooked government’s ass out on the street and let the American people take back their country!!

  3. Justine may be giving Californians way too much credit. I have been living in and around Los Angeles for over 58 years. Majority of Californians overall are the uber elites and illegal aliens/immigrants/anchor babies.

    The remainder of Californians are moderate or politically unaffiliated. Newsom, Bass and their likes have an unlimited supply of stupid and socialist voters from decades of illegal and legal immigration. The uber elites have multiple homes and place value on wokeness over their own safety. It has been proven many times.

    So Ms Bateman is principally rigjt but realistically wrong. Newsom and Bass will survive this.

  4. Let this be a precedent set. If these two assholes newsome and bass couldn’t handle the job they were elected to do, recall both of them immediately. If they won’t budge, have them physically removed to a jail cell and temporarily assign new people. gavin has always been a suck bag governor. He would rather feed and house illegal freeloaders then take care of people who elected him. Hope he doesn’t plan to run for President in 2028. The dumb ass narcissist won’t have a chance in hell. Not after this disaster he created. Hey gavin, what happened to all those homeless people when biden came to town. You hid them to make it look good, right? And you still support the brain-dead meat suit biden. 8 more days and the ugly American lowlife treasonous POS will be out of power.

    • Seriously 😳, it’s called acting. They will still support and vote for their devil DEMONcrate commies and get up on the stage during award ceremonies and slam DJT and the republicans, betmy first born on that.

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