(Commenting on)  VIDEO: Actor attacks Trump and praises Harris with vile parody song mocking America



  1. TDS is very strong in that one. All of these entertainment industry types don’t seem to understand that the Harris/Wahl team is coming after 80% of their money. Such IGNORANT people!!!

  2. Don’t know who he is, but I know WHAT he is. Can’t even grow a proper beard, and steals the original song while writing his STUPID lyrics.

  3. offerman, did you get permission from Lee Greenwood to use HIS SONG. You know you can be sued for it, don’t you dumbass? I hope Mr. Greenwood sues your ass for hundreds of millions of dollars for this. Who the hell are you, some two-bit POS no one even knows. How dare you make a mockery of a beautiful American song where you have stolen the music and some of the lyrics and used it without permission. Do us all a favor, don’t ride the bus, step in front of it. These democrat pukes have stepped to a new low and it isn’t acceptable.

    The bottom line is that whenever you make a lot of money OR gain fame and influence by borrowing someone else’s idea, there’s a good chance that someone will take legal action against you arguing that your work was illegal rather than fair use. Play it safe and always ask for permission before making changes to someone else’s work.

  4. See what happens when they close all the nut houses, they come out of the woodwork …. I read this dipshits an actor ??? Well if acts like he sings we won’t be seeing it anywhere . Freak .

  5. Len Greenwood should sue the pants off this a%*# since it’s Len’s music this guy put the words to !

  6. Hmm. Seems like this guy can’t be all that famous. I know I never heard of him. Must be trying to boost his career. Boycott him people!

  7. Am I the only one who feels like Trump gets all of this criticism for being a bully, being mean etc when he uses phrases like “sleepy joe” or “crooked” Hillary etc or actually criticizes policies yet it’s actually the Democrats who make vulgar insults filled with profanities and their elected officials are constantly bullying members of our party?

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