(Commenting on)  VIDEO: Activists sound alarm on blue state’s homeschooling bill with jail-time provision



  1. I say remove every democrat from office immediately. We can no longer afford to elect any democrats ever again. They are to radical and mental cases

  2. These mfer’s will probably try to infiltrate parents who are homeschooling with their democrat filthy garbage teachings on dei, lgbtq+, drag queens, gender changes and whatever other filthy books they have in their library. If they were doing that at my home, they would have a Glock looking at them. Remove every democrat from office immediately. REDI. Remove every democrat immediately. REDI. I hope they get back what they dished out like setting cars on fire, bashing businesses, causing damage and destruction to others, etc, etc., etc. What goes around comes around. democrats need to experience what their filth is spreading.

  3. Where’s the best place to catch a pedophile?
    At the department store of E D U C T I O N !
    🧠 development not perpetual DEI, and other tactics of sex education in every class by every teacher Teaching little white boys to be ashamed of themselves for being black I mean white
    Bad actor’s teaching bad ideals to the children
    who then come home acting as if the parent is the enemy
    It’s total mind control all day long.
    Brainwashing the white race at college campuses they are the majority protesting behind the mask.


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