This is a perfect scenario for the Democrats to get on board with and beat Trump to death with it. Unmercifully pounding. Trump and Vance need to convince the American people and the world that peace is the ONLY answer. The rhetoric and divisiveness has to stop. Immediately, if not sooner.
I guess you missed the point somewhere along the way. Trump and Vance want the war to stop. But we’re not playing into the little dictators game any more. He can go throw his little tantrums and stomp his feet and call daddy Marcon and Tredeau and say how mean Trump is. But it’s not going to change the outcome. If Zelensky wants peace he’d better put on the kneepads and crawl back (in a suit) and beg forgiveness.
This is the perfect opportunity for America to say “Adios amigo” and leave Ukraine to its own destiny. Call it a loss and a gain. We may lose cash that disphit Biden gave away and minerals deal but we gain a better future for America. We don’t need to be fleeced by Zelensky. Even if we sign a minerals deal, he is the type of scumbag that will break the deal.
Without the United States, the Ukraine & Zelenskyy are done. He doesn’t understand that he has no leverage, no power to negotiate with Putin. The minerals deal puts The United States in the country with the French & British putting boots on the ground….Thats NATO….going to the table with Putin says ok we’re all here to stay…
His cabinet is going to impeach him for going against their agreement to sign the deal…he’ll be out and the Ukraine will send someone else to sign the deal…that’s the only path to end this horrific war and stop the killing
Fuck Zelenskey
Fuck Ukraine
Go begging to your socialist buddies and see how much you don’t get.Not a single cent from US taxpayers. I always knew he was a grifter but seeing him in action on LIVE tv really pissed me off.No respect for President Trump VP Vance or any other American.Should never be allowed in USA again
If they have they full backing of the united kingdon, then let the United Kingdom finance their war. We’ll c how much backing they get and for how long.
We don’t need Ukraine , we have given enough . Let the Globalist Europeans who stand with the little dictator fund his war. The US needs to back off and let them shove their minerals!
We don’t owe this fucking cockroach beggar boy anything. He only wants money. We have no idea how the rest of the billions were spent already allotted to him by the brain-dead meat suit biden. Do we? Did some go back to biden? Allegedly so. There is no proof presented by zelensky where or how the money was spent. Beggar boy is just a leach who wants help but doesn’t want to pay anything in return and makes no commitment of stopping the war for world peace. Just keep the war going and the money flowing, right leach? Well, your freebie days are over. Trump will not bow to zelensky’s ass. Stay the hell out of the US. Quit begging for money. The next thing I want to see is a footprint of President Trump’s shoe on the back of your pants zelensky. We all know that your country is full of corruption. We don’t need you, you need us.
Where did this loser Zelensky come from, anyway? The USA just gave him $175K of our taxpayer money, and it’s not enough????? We could just walk away. Maybe we should. That b— is going to have to return, hat in hand, for the President to even TALK to him. What a fool.
Total the U.S. (as in all taxpayers) have given to Ukraine is 350 billion! Thats over a third of a TRILLION dollars! And that corrupt actor wants more and more and more?!? Let Europe deal with him.
And “freedom” for his country? Is that why he canceled all elections, closed down churches and otherwise imposed harsh regulations plus conscripting people- even pregnant women- taken off the street! The POS can stick his thumb up his butt and spin. He will get nothing more from us!
We have 95% of the rare earth minerals here in the US. The little midge has NO leverage to speak of. He mouthed off in the OVAL and might have sealed his fate. The EU can’t provide the MONEY he needs. They don’t have it defend themselves without OUR help. Whoever comes back to negotiate the mineral deal better come with his tail stuck between his legs. Or they might get left out in the cold. We don’t need to give Zalensky another nickel, not making pennies anymore, so he can buy more mansions and yachts.
Sorry shills this little punk runt just wants more of we the people money and if Europe is so “wonderful” let them get their checkbooks out. Nice acting as your sorry ass is making sure the cameras are on you looking for the pity party and of course the corrupt cult commie devil DEMONcrates are all aboard waiting on their laundered dividend checks.
So The president of Ukraine who is losing his citizens to this war isn’t willing to have even a cease firer unless America gives him security… Let’s say that again Zeylynsky is not even willing to pause the war if America won’t do what he wants…
He won’t sign the mineral deal if America doesn’t do what he wants. Yet this is NOT our war nor does this country have to do anything for Ukraine except out of the will to stop the death…sad very sad
Zelensky needs to Go F—k himself! If he wants military strength then he has plenty of buying power with the $350 Billion that Biden’s handlers gave him. If he wants the US to defend the Ukraine with all of our resources he has hit his frickin head. He could provoke Russia or China or any other nation into starting another war expecting the mighty US to protect them. Again Zelensky can GO FU(K HIMSELF. The Ukraine needs the US far more than the US needs the Ukraine.
Did Zelenski get a big fat check from the UK PM? That’s what he means by “security guarantee”. He expected to get another one just like Biden handed him every time he came collecting to keep his wife happy shopping high fashion in Paris. Heck w the Ukrainian poor. That’s why he doesn’t want anything to end he wants his gravy train to continue.
182 B I L L I O N OF U.S. TAXPAYER $$$s have gone to this country with NO ACCOUNTABILITY on how the $$s have been spent. The U.S. HAD ZERO RESPONSIBILITY TO SECURE THE COUNTRY ##! USE THE BILLIONS GIVEN TO FIGURE IT OUT MR Z#!#!#!#
What Zelenskyy wants is for President Trump to send American military to Ukraine to fight against Russia!! Not to happen!! Zelenskyy a weasel, he should sign those mineral rights as a way to start paying back the USA for all the HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS of dollars & military equipment he’s ALREADY RECEIVED from us! It’s made him & Biden BILLIONAIRES!! No wonder he’s now offering to step down as president!
The time to make these statements of what he needed was at the negotiating table; not at what was supposed to be the signing of the Agreement after negotiations had concluded.
I guess you missed the point somewhere along the way. Trump and Vance want the war to stop. But we’re not playing into the little dictators game any more. He can go throw his little tantrums and stomp his feet and call daddy Marcon and Tredeau and say how mean Trump is. But it’s not going to change the outcome. If Zelensky wants peace he’d better put on the kneepads and crawl back (in a suit) and beg forgiveness.
This is a perfect scenario for the Democrats to get on board with and beat Trump to death with it. Unmercifully pounding. Trump and Vance need to convince the American people and the world that peace is the ONLY answer. The rhetoric and divisiveness has to stop. Immediately, if not sooner.
I guess you missed the point somewhere along the way. Trump and Vance want the war to stop. But we’re not playing into the little dictators game any more. He can go throw his little tantrums and stomp his feet and call daddy Marcon and Tredeau and say how mean Trump is. But it’s not going to change the outcome. If Zelensky wants peace he’d better put on the kneepads and crawl back (in a suit) and beg forgiveness.
Zelensky can’t shit in one hand and wish in the other to see which one fills up fastest.
He wants Trump to tell Putin we will use the full force of our military to attack Russia. Ain’t gonna happen.
This is the perfect opportunity for America to say “Adios amigo” and leave Ukraine to its own destiny. Call it a loss and a gain. We may lose cash that disphit Biden gave away and minerals deal but we gain a better future for America. We don’t need to be fleeced by Zelensky. Even if we sign a minerals deal, he is the type of scumbag that will break the deal.
Without the United States, the Ukraine & Zelenskyy are done. He doesn’t understand that he has no leverage, no power to negotiate with Putin. The minerals deal puts The United States in the country with the French & British putting boots on the ground….Thats NATO….going to the table with Putin says ok we’re all here to stay…
His cabinet is going to impeach him for going against their agreement to sign the deal…he’ll be out and the Ukraine will send someone else to sign the deal…that’s the only path to end this horrific war and stop the killing
Fuck Zelenskey
Fuck Ukraine
Go begging to your socialist buddies and see how much you don’t get.Not a single cent from US taxpayers. I always knew he was a grifter but seeing him in action on LIVE tv really pissed me off.No respect for President Trump VP Vance or any other American.Should never be allowed in USA again
If they have they full backing of the united kingdon, then let the United Kingdom finance their war. We’ll c how much backing they get and for how long.
That arrogant little shit needs to pull his head out of his ass! Like Trump told him he doesn’t hold any cards! We do!!!!
If you are truly working toward peace, you don’t take a side before the real negotiations take place…Zelenskyy is an arrogant prick to even demand it.
We don’t need Ukraine , we have given enough . Let the Globalist Europeans who stand with the little dictator fund his war. The US needs to back off and let them shove their minerals!
We don’t owe this fucking cockroach beggar boy anything. He only wants money. We have no idea how the rest of the billions were spent already allotted to him by the brain-dead meat suit biden. Do we? Did some go back to biden? Allegedly so. There is no proof presented by zelensky where or how the money was spent. Beggar boy is just a leach who wants help but doesn’t want to pay anything in return and makes no commitment of stopping the war for world peace. Just keep the war going and the money flowing, right leach? Well, your freebie days are over. Trump will not bow to zelensky’s ass. Stay the hell out of the US. Quit begging for money. The next thing I want to see is a footprint of President Trump’s shoe on the back of your pants zelensky. We all know that your country is full of corruption. We don’t need you, you need us.
Where did this loser Zelensky come from, anyway? The USA just gave him $175K of our taxpayer money, and it’s not enough????? We could just walk away. Maybe we should. That b— is going to have to return, hat in hand, for the President to even TALK to him. What a fool.
Total the U.S. (as in all taxpayers) have given to Ukraine is 350 billion! Thats over a third of a TRILLION dollars! And that corrupt actor wants more and more and more?!? Let Europe deal with him.
And “freedom” for his country? Is that why he canceled all elections, closed down churches and otherwise imposed harsh regulations plus conscripting people- even pregnant women- taken off the street! The POS can stick his thumb up his butt and spin. He will get nothing more from us!
We have 95% of the rare earth minerals here in the US. The little midge has NO leverage to speak of. He mouthed off in the OVAL and might have sealed his fate. The EU can’t provide the MONEY he needs. They don’t have it defend themselves without OUR help. Whoever comes back to negotiate the mineral deal better come with his tail stuck between his legs. Or they might get left out in the cold. We don’t need to give Zalensky another nickel, not making pennies anymore, so he can buy more mansions and yachts.
Sorry shills this little punk runt just wants more of we the people money and if Europe is so “wonderful” let them get their checkbooks out. Nice acting as your sorry ass is making sure the cameras are on you looking for the pity party and of course the corrupt cult commie devil DEMONcrates are all aboard waiting on their laundered dividend checks.
So The president of Ukraine who is losing his citizens to this war isn’t willing to have even a cease firer unless America gives him security… Let’s say that again Zeylynsky is not even willing to pause the war if America won’t do what he wants…
He won’t sign the mineral deal if America doesn’t do what he wants. Yet this is NOT our war nor does this country have to do anything for Ukraine except out of the will to stop the death…sad very sad
Zelensky needs to Go F—k himself! If he wants military strength then he has plenty of buying power with the $350 Billion that Biden’s handlers gave him. If he wants the US to defend the Ukraine with all of our resources he has hit his frickin head. He could provoke Russia or China or any other nation into starting another war expecting the mighty US to protect them. Again Zelensky can GO FU(K HIMSELF. The Ukraine needs the US far more than the US needs the Ukraine.
Did Zelenski get a big fat check from the UK PM? That’s what he means by “security guarantee”. He expected to get another one just like Biden handed him every time he came collecting to keep his wife happy shopping high fashion in Paris. Heck w the Ukrainian poor. That’s why he doesn’t want anything to end he wants his gravy train to continue.
182 B I L L I O N OF U.S. TAXPAYER $$$s have gone to this country with NO ACCOUNTABILITY on how the $$s have been spent. The U.S. HAD ZERO RESPONSIBILITY TO SECURE THE COUNTRY ##! USE THE BILLIONS GIVEN TO FIGURE IT OUT MR Z#!#!#!#
What’s gotten into the little guy, is he off his meds?
Someone suggested he did some coke before he went in, just saying.
Zelensky go back to do previous life!
What Zelenskyy wants is for President Trump to send American military to Ukraine to fight against Russia!! Not to happen!! Zelenskyy a weasel, he should sign those mineral rights as a way to start paying back the USA for all the HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS of dollars & military equipment he’s ALREADY RECEIVED from us! It’s made him & Biden BILLIONAIRES!! No wonder he’s now offering to step down as president!
The time to make these statements of what he needed was at the negotiating table; not at what was supposed to be the signing of the Agreement after negotiations had concluded.
I guess you missed the point somewhere along the way. Trump and Vance want the war to stop. But we’re not playing into the little dictators game any more. He can go throw his little tantrums and stomp his feet and call daddy Marcon and Tredeau and say how mean Trump is. But it’s not going to change the outcome. If Zelensky wants peace he’d better put on the kneepads and crawl back (in a suit) and beg forgiveness.