(Commenting on)  UPDATE: Zelenskyy posts statement on X after fiery exchange with Trump



  1. Lezenskyy can write a letter that sounds so mature and so invigorating why can’t he sit down at the table with the president and vice president and hash out a deal ??? I’m thinking because there’s more here than meets the eye, The United States is not going to get fooled again we’re sick of it you’re either gonna make right with your promises and go through with the deal or just go home because the Americans have already paid with our tax dollars that igit Biden is just handed you on a golden platter your a bunch of disrespectful idiots go home dictator boo boo boooooo

    I have never wanted our tax money going to this corrupt money grubbing pos.After watching live today how he disrespected President Trump,VP Vance and our entire country,he should never get another penny or so much as a bb from us.Hope Putin strings him up by his balls

  3. Didn’t sound like a shouting match to me! Of course the Democraps will twist it this way. Zelenskyy has ZERO respect for Trump/Vance, the White House, and America, constantly trying to talk over whatever Trump or Vance had to say. It was the height of rudeness.

    Bipartisan group? Bet it was Dems and RINOs, not wanting their Ukraine kickbacks to stop

  4. Little was sent to timeout. Money sent to his country has been squandered for lavish possessions such as yachts, mansions, jewelry and trips. We the people say enough and Trump gave him the boot. Magoo or Kameltoe would have wrote him a check for millions or worse billions.

  5. Boy Zelensky sure doesn’t mind begging and groveling in our Senate for money every chance he gets. But when it comes to quid pro quo…and negotiating in good faith…he’s just a dancing buffoon. The only reason Ukraine was and is still where it is? Because no one has been able to intervene between Putin and Zelensky. Zelensky has never helped his country. We need exactly what we have now, if we want to truly help those poor people: a STRONGMAN. WHY keep sending billions of dollars out of the USA if nothing is getting accomplished. Zelensky cannot walk away from us. What a belligerent turd.

  6. The only this little midget will get another dime from this Country is to do some SERIOUS ASS KISSING!!! Personally, I would give him another nickel. We have ALL the rare earth mineras we need right here. Alaska can provide 95% if what we need. F the environmentalists. If this Country were ever to fall so would every single one of their causes. So they better get with the program or get swept away. I was so proud of President TRUMP and VP Vance sticking up for US.

  7. Coke head Zelensky’s mind is in a fog from cocaine withdrawal. Like a typical crack head, he can’t remember or honor any deals he agrees to. He goes back to defiantly begging for money like a typical crack head.

  8. The problem is, zelinsky is used to dealing with Biden, who drops his pants and bends over and gives him whatever he wants. Well he’s not dealing with Biden now!

  9. I believe we should take back our fighter jets, tanks, missiles, every piece of equipment we have over there. Bring it all home. Wash our hands with him also send all the coward men and families that entered our country instead of fighting for their country send them home! Don’t forget we are still paying these people that are here.


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