(Commenting on)  UPDATE: Shocking bill aiding illegal aliens goes to governor’s desk for signature



  1. What a total gut punch to all those American citizens who worked their entire lives to save for a home and even then, can’t afford one! No wonder illegals want to cross the border! Everything for FREE at American taxpayers expense 😡 Demonrats are to blame for this!

  2. Dont worry, the taxpayers have the bank loans covered just like the last time. We all know and understand that the banks are all too big to fail. So make all the unsecured loans while while you can, we the taxpayers will foot the bill. Just put it on our tab.

  3. Seems like illegals are the only ones getting help while Americans are losing jobs and homes. I read comments how people are having to pawn items to get money for food or bills.

  4. Wow. If we went to another country do you think they’d hand us all kinds of expensive perks?. I don’t think so. where are they going to get all the money for these programs. Hasn’t the Federal government been approached by California sometime within the past decade to help bail them out of financial issues caused by reckless spending? I could be wrong, but I don’t believe it happened If I’m wrong please let me know. Is this where they’re heading again? Why should the rest of the country pay for their bad decisions? I’m afraid with the current administration or Kamala’s election, monies will be given to CA with no expectation of getting their finances under control. It’s not fair to the citizens of all the other states. Let’s do better CA.

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