He will walk, just to do it again. That seems to be California M.O.
Drop the scum.IN new ones residence ….I’m sure he’ll walk away from any charges and get an illegal pardon from the criminal .
Well you know it’s all Trumps fault. (Sarcasm) . We’re in a War and the punishment should fit the crime people have died in the fires so hang the Bastard next to Newscum and Bass !!!!
I bet anything that these alleged arsonists were hired by “someone” to allow the incompetent and criminal politicians to save face. Now they can say it was a “criminal act “. Remember January 6? I don’t put it past them.
You are probably right. JC . Newscum and Bass still need to be charged with Criminal Negligence and corruption and crimes against Nature.
Scapegoat…three fires started simultaneously…dude can’t be in three places at once.
He will walk, just to do it again. That seems to be California M.O.
Drop the scum.IN new ones residence ….I’m sure he’ll walk away from any charges and get an illegal pardon from the criminal .
Well you know it’s all Trumps fault. (Sarcasm) . We’re in a War and the punishment should fit the crime people have died in the fires so hang the Bastard next to Newscum and Bass !!!!
I bet anything that these alleged arsonists were hired by “someone” to allow the incompetent and criminal politicians to save face. Now they can say it was a “criminal act “. Remember January 6? I don’t put it past them.
You are probably right. JC . Newscum and Bass still need to be charged with Criminal Negligence and corruption and crimes against Nature.
Scapegoat…three fires started simultaneously…dude can’t be in three places at once.