Europe supports Zelenskyy yet we give him money! Enough! End the war! This was supposed to be the signing of an agreement, what changed? Zelenskyy came here with a different mindset.
All these crap countries, then why has he been begging the US to pay for his war???? We should get every dime back and let the Countries who stand with him pay for their war.
So how much $$$ did these world leaders cough up to line Zelensky’s pockets so he can live in luxury on his yacht’s and his wife can shop in Paris and they can choose which home all over to live while Ukrainian people are dying fighting this useless war? This is not about Ukraine’s freedom from Russia. Pay attention people!!
I don’t think all those leaders even have a clue about Ukraine DICKtater and how bad he is!! Let them fund his lavish living!! If wwIII DOES START, all those weak need sissy countries will be decimated in quick time!!
Over a third of a trillion taxpayer dollars have been lost to a war that can not be won by Ukraine. Not a single penny more should go to the most corrupt country in Europe. Let all those countries foot the bill from now on.
How horrible because I know if Mexico invaded us , Ukraine would be the first to save us!!!
p.s. Don’t put a lion in the room with a weasel.
Zelensky- the dictator is so sad that US taxpayers aren’t going to fund his corrupt BS and all those other weak a— countries!
AMERICA first!!!!
One has to ask why the grifter will not give an account on the 350 billion in the United States has sent to corrupt Ukraine. I would pull out of NATO if I was president Trump and let these assholes in Europe fund World War III.
You notice that most of these leaders say “we stand with Ukraine “. What they didn’t say was Zelensky was right. Noncommittal, I’d say. USA also stands with the Ukraine. We’re just not bending over for it anymore. Biden had plenty to hide concerning Ukraine. Trump doesn’t. No more hush money! No more paying billions of taxpayers $ and getting nothing back but screwed.
All these countries standing with Ukraine. Imagine that, how about cough up some billions for Ukraine then. It’s about time to add to the collection basket.
The long list of dickless idiots supporting Zelensky should speak for itself.
Europe supports Zelenskyy yet we give him money! Enough! End the war! This was supposed to be the signing of an agreement, what changed? Zelenskyy came here with a different mindset.
Yeah hurry up and sign the check over.
Let the congratulating countries send the parasite billions as a “grant”, like the little dictator expected from the US. Not.another.dime.
All these crap countries, then why has he been begging the US to pay for his war???? We should get every dime back and let the Countries who stand with him pay for their war.
So how much $$$ did these world leaders cough up to line Zelensky’s pockets so he can live in luxury on his yacht’s and his wife can shop in Paris and they can choose which home all over to live while Ukrainian people are dying fighting this useless war? This is not about Ukraine’s freedom from Russia. Pay attention people!!
Hmmm looks like most are socialists and libTARDS to me so no surprise of their loyalty
Well, so we are off the hook, seems he has all the help he needs ! Best of luck dipshit !
I don’t think all those leaders even have a clue about Ukraine DICKtater and how bad he is!! Let them fund his lavish living!! If wwIII DOES START, all those weak need sissy countries will be decimated in quick time!!
Good does this cut off his money train,¿??¿?
Over a third of a trillion taxpayer dollars have been lost to a war that can not be won by Ukraine. Not a single penny more should go to the most corrupt country in Europe. Let all those countries foot the bill from now on.
How horrible because I know if Mexico invaded us , Ukraine would be the first to save us!!!
p.s. Don’t put a lion in the room with a weasel.
Zelensky- the dictator is so sad that US taxpayers aren’t going to fund his corrupt BS and all those other weak a— countries!
AMERICA first!!!!
Fork over the money! Let these lame ass countries support his war while he’s lining his pockets with their money. Corruption at it’s finest🤬
One has to ask why the grifter will not give an account on the 350 billion in the United States has sent to corrupt Ukraine. I would pull out of NATO if I was president Trump and let these assholes in Europe fund World War III.
Well then all these countries that are siding with zelensky they could donate money to zelenski in Ukraine and leave us out of it
You notice that most of these leaders say “we stand with Ukraine “. What they didn’t say was Zelensky was right. Noncommittal, I’d say. USA also stands with the Ukraine. We’re just not bending over for it anymore. Biden had plenty to hide concerning Ukraine. Trump doesn’t. No more hush money! No more paying billions of taxpayers $ and getting nothing back but screwed.
It’s a new day!!!
All these countries that are defending zelinsky, maybe they should put their money where their mouth is!
He’s not really saying thank you for your support he saying hurry up and sign the check over so he can cash it.
All these Countries standing with Ukraine You all give him 380 Million dollars
Billions of our dollars and billions of our military equipment and ordnance has weakened our own defense.
All these countries standing with Ukraine. Imagine that, how about cough up some billions for Ukraine then. It’s about time to add to the collection basket.
Ok, so for all these countries supporting Zelenski and standing with Ukraine, put your money and your troops where your mouths are!
All these countries supporting Zelensky need to get their foreign aid from Zelensky from now on!