(Commenting on)  UPDATE: Top FEMA official, 3 employees FIRED for sending huge sum to luxury hotels



  1. Holy cow…$40.3 M for food and security purposes. What are these invaders eating and who is the security for? Or was that a kickback for the Big Guy?

  2. If there is no place for these illegals, round those sleeping in the streets up and send them back. They are all breaking the law just coming here illegally. Send them back, problem solved.

  3. Can any of these 4 be charged and sent to prison? They knew it wasn’t right but still did it. Hold them accountable take their benefits and anything else away from them. Time to sent an example

  4. Your Fired!! Americans 1st🇺🇸or your ass will be fired! We did not vote for illegals to shack up in luxury Hotels, while the people of North Carolina and Florida and other states suffered severely! # MAGA🇺🇸🇺🇸# Draining the Swamp🐊🐊🐍🐊🐊Go Trump/Vance🇺🇸🇺🇸

  5. So let’s do the math, 120k homes were lost in GA, TN, NC and VA in the Helena hurricane. How many small homes could have been built for these people with 59.3 million? People are living in RVs and tents and the illegals are being housed with 3 squares a day in a hotel. This is so shameful and unimaginable. Biden said FEMA was out of money in their budget, now we know why, it’s been going to house illegals and feed, cloth and give them spending money while American citizens were suffering and trying to collect what ever they had left to survive. People need to go to jail over this.

  6. I hope this cunt starves to death and rots in a jail cell somewhere.. Gitmo with the rest of the criminals. She will never find gainful employment again. She better hope she can get a job cleaning toilets in the new york subway. She needs to pay her salary back and make the hotels pay the money back to the US Treasury. biden even needs to be thrown in jail for this ….What a scumbag.


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