(Commenting on)  UPDATE: Autistic Florida Teen Sentenced for Teacher Assault



  1. Someone mental illness shouldn’t mean you’re above the law. Really! The whole CORRUPT HARRIS/Biden administration is bat 💩 crazy ND thinks it’s above the law🤬

  2. These people do need different treatment but if they are violent they need to be locked up in the nut house

  3. Most witnesses including a psychologist said he was not autistic. His mother was an enabler attempting to garner a defense. He should have received 30 years.

  4. Reasons and excuses are not the same ,he did it regardless and yes something needs to be done but not regular prison ,yes he’s on iously a danger to himself and others . I also hold the school accountable ,obviously he is high risk and I bet this isn’t his first time. He should have been placed in a small sheltered school with TRAINED competent staff ,there are many people with dirty hands here .This was grave ” dropping the ball” he could bave obviously killed her and others . Disgusting . I blame the admin the most .

  5. Democrats already apply looser standards, and lack of consequences, when it involves violent protesters on their side and we have all seen how that works out. It only produces and encourages more such behavior.

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