(Commenting on)  Ukraine Reports Heavy Russian Losses in Ongoing Conflict



  1. Coke head Zalynsky is full of shit. Ukraine is losing entire generations of their men and women in this war. Russia is splattering Ukraine like egg yolk. If you listen to real news and not cnnor msnbc, you will know that Ukraine is losing badly. Time to stop this now.

  2. Kinda sounds like the reporting going during WW2 by Hitler to the German people. We see history being repeated, we have propaganda being parroted by the media, we have political rivals being persecuted, we are having true patriotism for our country and constitution being pinned as bad for the country. Then you have the money laundering machine called Ukraine, we need to pay attention people.

  3. Russia reports sugniffican ukrainian loses as well so who is winning this contest of misinformation?
    If you cant believe Russia and you cant believe America. Who can you believe?
    Trust God, He never lies.

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