(Commenting on)  TRUTH SOCIAL: Trump issues statement of support for marijuana legalization in red state



  1. We are on trip to Mississippi right now seeing family and was surprised to see a cannabis shop next door to our hotel.

  2. WHy not leave it up to the state instead. Wouldn’t the secondhand smoke be a problem for others around the user.

  3. We need less people smoking the leaves of plants, not more. Take a flight out of Denver sometime. Half the passengers reek of the smell of pot.

  4. Bad idea. We have enough on our plates to deal with already. We don’t need to add more problems. Agree, it will be abused in public and bad for others who have to deal with second hand smoke, including our innocent children.

  5. Not for recreational use though.
    We have an epidemic of alcoholics, horrible diseases from cigarettes, people addicted to hard core drugs, narcotics, pain killers and a whole other addictive drugs. Why add more to the insurmountable addiction epidemic?! They’re already many people addicted to marijuana in our country. It just doesn’t make sense to add more problems with more problems. I can understand for medicinal purposes, but to use it for recreational, it’s illogical and irrational. IMHO.

  6. CBD yes, marijuana no! Only for medicinal use and nothing else. That stuff stinks like skunk. The smell has changed over the years and quite honestly I wonder what they did to it to make it stink like that. People have enough problems we don’t need more drivers high on marijuana driving on the road! I live in NY and you can’t drive anywhere without that smell wafting into your car almost every time you get in your car.

  7. Oklahoma voted for medical Marijuana. There is a Cannabus shop on every other corner. Now they are wanting to make it recreational. Medical is one thing, recreational is no no in my book.

  8. Medical marijuana does not stink like the street stuff. I know people that it has helped with their quality of Life. I support it, completely.Texas needs to get with the program too. I have seen drunks through my life that died way too young because of alcoholism, or destroyed their family with alcohol. Not against alcohol in moderation. ☮️ Go Trump/ Vance🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  9. Legalizing marijuana should have been done a decade ago if not more.
    Those who drink alcohol but oppose marijuana are hipocrites. And, alcohol has zero health benefits.
    Medical research of the health effects are practically non-existent due to the pharmacutical industry blocking every attempt because they will lose massive amounts of money when if can grow our own medicine.
    Everyone who uses marijuana is not a pot head and a stoner as the haters love to claim. That’s like claiming someone who drinks a couple beers or has a couple glasses of wine are alcoholics.
    The massive hatred is due primarily to ignorance.

  10. This will not make sheriff Judd happy, but the bottom line in my opinion is people should never be locked up for something that grows out of the ground! Our government should have never legally been able to outlaw a plant! Man didn’t make marijuana. Let’s be honest about that. I personally don’t mess with it, but I have never agreed that people should be incarcerated for an herb. Technically it is not a drug! Alcohol and man made drugs are a much bigger problem than pot! Decriminalize it and stop locking people up for something God made! As much as many people don’t like it, that is a fact! I know people that smoke it. They work, make an honest living ,and don’t bother anyone. I personally don’t do anything. But that’s my choice. If someone decides they want to partake in Mother Nature in the privacy of their homes, who are we,or the government to tell them no in what is supposedly a free country??? I know many will disagree but that’s my humble opinion.

  11. I think Benson is mistaken in who the real beneficiary is if RFK’s name stays on the ballot. It is Democrats who can’t stand Harris but can never bring themselves to the point of voting for Trump. These people will vote for RFK.

  12. I agree with Gov. De Santis. On Jan. 4, 1987 my 22 year old sister in law was one of 16 who died in the Amtrak Conrail train crash in Md. The engineer was high on marijuana and ignored all signals. There will be more vehicle accidents from ppl under the influence of recreational marijuana in addition to those driving under influence of alcohol.

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