(Commenting on)  Trump’s Jet Meets Russian Plane at Dulles: Left Goes Bonkers



    • Exactly and this is definitely a set up after the Biden debate debacle!

      But it’s okay that Biden allowed China to fly a spy balloon all over America and buy farmland next to our military bases and media glosses it over!

  1. Everyone should be demanding that Joe Biden step aside. Talk about a National Security risk. The entire World witnessed this feeble man during the debate. So bad for the USA. Obama & Co has done so much damage. Period, Period, Period.

  2. I wouldn’t put it past the democrats to have a quick paint job magnetic sign with a russian logo on an aircraft just for a quick photo op. An AI generated photo, ehh? That could be done overnight by handsomely paying someone to do it. Let’s see the tail number up close. Is it actually a russian plane. This could also be a doctored photo. All you have to do is get the photo of a russian jet, erase all the background, and place it correctly beside Trump’s plane in a photo and retake that photo. Since President Trump’s plane is parked in an isolated area all by itself, just overlay a photo of the russian jet beside the Trump jet and voila, you have a CHEAP FAKE. IT AIN’T ROCKET SCIENCE, is it? Just how would a journalist know that plane was going to be there and coincidentally take a photo. Security around the Trump aircraft would most likely have a video of all that goes on around his aircraft 24/7.

  3. Trump shed at least one of his assets when he transferred ownership of a Cessna Citation X aircraft for $2.5 million.

    According to FAA forms first reported by The Guardian, the fixed wing multi-engine plane was sold to Dallas-based real estate holdings company MM Fleet Holdings tied to businessman Mehrdad Moayedi. The real estate developer is a prominent Republican donor.

    Mehrdad Moayedi is a residential developer and construction businessman. He is the President and CEO of Centurion American Development Group. Moayedi has been in the business for over 30 years and has observed the real estate and market trends of North Texas to consistent success. He is behind the Phoenix-like rise of Collin Creek mall in Texas.

  4. I find this info quite interesting

    How To Make An F-16 Look Like A Russian Stealth Fighter
    David Axe
    Forbes Staff
    David Axe writes about ships, planes, tanks, drones and missiles.

    Jun 15, 2020,08:00am EDT
    This article is more than 4 years old.

    An F-16 Fighting Falcon with a ghost paint scheme departs Hill Air Force Base, Utah on June 3, 2020.U.S. AIR FORCE PHOTO BY R. NIAL BRADSHAW
    The U.S. Air Force has painted a second F-16 fighter to resemble Russia’s Su-57 stealth fighter with its pixelated paint-job.

    The “ghost scheme” F-16 will join roughly 40 other F-16s in Nevada and Alaska that stand in for Russian and Chinese fighters during realistic war games.

  5. This just show how desperate the Democrats are after the debate. They are just trying to find ways to discredit Trump. Dirty games again, sorry for you people too late for that. Democrats just lost the trust of American people and the world!🤗

  6. Here we go Russia Russia Russia AGAIN!!!! Here comes the herds of sheep to parrot their narrative of Russian collusion, what’s the next title of the fake dossier going to be? Can’t beat him on the campaign trail so let’s make up some more shit.

  7. If Donald Trump drank vodka, and he doesn’t drink at all, I’m sure the left would find that that was evidence of his illegal ties to Russia. Really, give me a break! The airport decides where planes get parked and the people flying the planes have nothing to say about it. And these people actually think of themselves as journalists! Incredible!

  8. While Omar has a former Prime Minister of Somali campaign for her in Minnesota. Saying this is not a Minnesota problem nor an American problem but a Somali problem and not in english. She needs to go home and take all those who hate America.
    Sickening traitor.

  9. Wtf another story to get Trump involved with Russia. These people will sink to anything to get him so he isn’t president. I hate all of them doing this to this man. Makes me sick.

  10. This is to marty taylor…..how would you know it’s a strange route of flight. Have you looked at a Jeppesen Flight Planning chart lately. Overwater routes are on Jeppesen Charts. Aircraft fly according to flight plans. Aircraft Captains don’t get to fly where they want in controlled airspace overwater. That is why there are Jeppesen Route charts. It’s apparent marty taylor doesn’t know anything about flight planning, or flight planning charts. I suggest marty taylor take his foot out of his mouth talking about a strange flight plan. Get a Jeppesen chart out and look at it marty. You wouldn’t know how to read it.


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