(Commenting on)  Trump rips into radical judges, calls on Chief Justice Roberts to act



  1. Justice Roberts is part of the problem! Praying that 🙏 he will do his duty as a Supreme Court Justice and uphold the Constitution. This nonsense needs to end now!

  2. Robbers and Barrett are Marxist sympathizers, never know which way they will go ,, they are not supporters of the Constitution !!!

  3. President Trump is right on🇺🇸🇺🇸The supreme court better, get their act together. Not impressed with Roberts BS either!! So common sense.. geez Stop the stupidity judges!!

  4. The longer Democrats had control the more the judges were trained to rule only leaning to the left. Too many of our judges were put in place with Soros dirty money. They want to call Nazi on all things Republican but it is they who are the Nazi mind set.

  5. One of these SCOTUS judges needs to step up and get the ball moving. It’s pathetic how they just sit there and watch destruction take place. I really don’t like where this will go. Starting to smell civil war and the end of the USA

  6. Judges are pitting the citizens of our great nation into a land war against each other
    These are the same lunatics we put up with 2020 to 2024


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