(Commenting on)  Trump reacts after judge orders Biden administration to cease selling off border wall material



  1. The fence that they built isn’t working, because they are taking grinders and cutting out sections large enough for a truck to drive through. We need a wall that will actually do the job it’s intended for.

  2. How about sell off the two lowlife pieces of garbage, joe and kamala for pennies on the dime. The world would be a better place without those two assholes. I don’t think anyone would want either of them for any reason.

  3. Always wasting
    money that isn’t theirs to waste. Just like all the equipment left behind in Afghanistan. They probably sold
    it anyways for their own bank accounts.

  4. Again I will say the best way to stop the invasion is to start shooting them as they cross. Build the wall with dead bodies. Won’t take long for the invasion to end

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