(Commenting on)  TRUMP: Biden’s presidency was ‘taken away’ from him



  1. Any rational thinking person knows what Our President Trump says is true. The day before he said he wasn’t running he said he was in it to win it! Doesn’t make sense for him to quit without pressure from Obama, Schumer and Pelosi. First COUP in Our history from the SAVIORS of Democracy 🤬🤬🤬

      • I believe you are correct. They forced joe out, he did not agree to it on his own. Did they know the big deal that was just reported on hunter’s influence peddling where he got a $3 million payoff from a Romanian Oligarch. There was something in the wind about jill’s doctor title also. Might have been something obama threatened joe with.

  2. I hope the American people finally understand what the shadow is doing. It’s so unfair these people have turned their backs on biden in his own party. This is very dangerous for our country. There’s so much fanfare with Harris and her vice president. Nobody has followed what Biden is doing.

  3. The sad part about this discussion about Biden’s presidency being taken away from him is that I don’t believe that Biden was actually the President anyway. He was a figurehead that the Deep State used to push their liberal / elitist agenda. And Biden was fine with that. Joe liked the position of President with all its perks and privileges and he didn’t have to do any work to earn it. And it gave his son Hunter many opportunities to extract money from foreign interests really thought Joe was in charge. So, he defrauded them as much as he defrauded the American people.

    • All True. Still Trump is right. The way they just installed another candidate is seriously worrisome. These democrat know how to work the loop holes maybe legal or illegal.
      No timetable before November to challenge it. Obama and his cronies are slick MFers.

  4. Keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer? Listen clearly what President Trump had said in his last few speeches? Truly a work of art?

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