(Commenting on)  TESLA TAKEDOWN, PART 1: Radical Democrat congresswoman calls for Musk to be ‘taken down’



  1. Kick that B**** out of congress and arrest her. Elon should press charges. As for John C he can be arrested as well. It’s amazing how unhinged the left can be. Maybe a 5150 hold will be appropriate for the two of them. Crockett has no business being in Congress. I don’t care about John C. He is a POS. Karma or God will deal with him. Maybe both. Nothing would make my Bday happier than seeing Crockett handcuffed and escorted out of Congress and booked into custody. 🙏🙏

  2. This little beotch needs to be physically removed from congress and hauled off to the jailhouse. She has become violent and threatening. How dare this trashbag say such a thing. Just what does she mean by “taken down”. Is that a death threat, jasmine crockett, you sorry assed trashbag?

  3. Pam Bondi.. is coming for you idiots!Domestic terror is a crime now,5-10 years in the penitentiary, if that is what that dumb congress women wants for her birthday, March 29th she is insighting terror, vandalism, Any day you mess with Tesla or any other persons or company because you don’t like that person, well here come the handcuffs thugs!!Elon is helping America🇺🇸# MAGA

  4. Arrest this bitch and make her resign. This is an insurrection 100%. And Musk needs to press charges as well as sue the crap out of her. Her buddies Dan go with her as well. President Trump needs to call for immediate action before someone gets killed

  5. arrest and bring charges against these fools. i’m sure people who voted for them didn’t know what they stand for. they just check the d box.

  6. Jasmine Crockett is feeling pretty highly of herself. Until some of these people feel the consequences of their speech and actions this will never stop.
    She’s a bully with a big mouth! Such a disgrace to her constituents.

  7. Says the weirdo that brought the waffle house to congress. She has factually promoted real violence. Lock her up
    like they did to the Jam 6th observers. There’s actual proof of a crime!!!!! Lock her up

  8. Arrest, and prosecution, should be the reaction to their actions. And any politician making the statements that Crockett did, needs to be removed from Congress immediately.


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