(Commenting on)  TACKY JOY: The View hosts try to bait pop star guest into bashing Trump; his response shuts them up



  1. Joy Bher tries to pressure her guest into getting political. Or endorsing ” Her candidate. She acts like a bully. One day she will shoot herself in the door and be out of a job. Possibly when Trump wins her head will explode.

  2. He didn’t give a bad answer. Did y’all read his comment? Still don’t care about the view or their guests but his answer wasn’t bad.

  3. Well Usher. You showed your intelligence. Voting choice based on what? Skin color? Gender? Strong work your candidate has accomplished? 🤣🤣🤣
    The “view” should be removed from airwaves. One-side activism show.

  4. Yes, all of MSM is left sided. They will not say anything good about Trump. And the smart ones see it!
    When a country pushes for one
    candidate, you know something is wrong!

  5. Hey….Usher- you are going to vote to approve the killing of our babies/human life/an individual at the point of absolute vulnerability, which we all were at our conception). Our ever present Lord, whether you accept HIM or not,L. HE accepted and loves you! Reconsider validating a culture of death and perversion.🙏

  6. Why do these entitled Hollywood celebrities think we give a crap what they think? They’re so full of themselves it’s sickening. Take Taylor Swiftless. She’s probably whining about climate change while flying around in her private jet. Every single one of them is a joke. Don’t care who they endorse. I’ll decide who to vote for without her input. Trump/Vance🇺🇸2024 Let’s go!!!👏🏻

  7. Good Answer but I think he’s not playing with a full deck just for agreeing to appear on the show from hell

  8. Why would usher want to even show his face on that horrific show with that bunch of fugly entitled trashy ho bags. Tow two older than dirt are whoopi and behar. Both beyond their USELESSNESS.

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