(Commenting on)  SWIMSUIT SAGA PART 2: Lauren Boebert’s massive secret tattoo revealed in latest bikini pic



  1. Both look great and both are great congresswomen. Not a tatoo fan myself but I live in Colorado and love Lauren.

  2. Why can’t Lauren Boebert have a tattoo? Tattoos are all the rage these days? Not a fan of them myself, but “ur body, ur choice” remember???

  3. It takes dedication and work to have bodies like that. It’s amazing how many women of mature age have tattoos anymore. Not a biggy. Good for them. Strong conservative women!

  4. Someone needs to find a photo of kamala in a suit like that and make it go viral. Bet it wouldn’t go over too good.

  5. I love a great figure on a woman but big tattoos just leave me a little turned off for some reason. A little butterfly or something is not a big deal. If it’s big enough to distract from the nice curves, it’s too big. Bobert’s is too big and takes away from an otherwise nice figure.

  6. Both women are beautiful , personally I could NOT get away with these bathing suits ..bless them both . All the fuglies are in the LEFT and are jealous as HELL.

  7. Oh please! Secret? No, she doesn’t wear a mid-drift or bikini to work. Shocking? Get with the 21st century NYP.

  8. best DML story yet. both are smokin hot. conservative women are definately more attractive than some nasty tranny leftie

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