(Commenting on)  SURVEY: Trump overtakes Kamala Harris among key voter group



  1. Any moron voting for c*ntmala needs to leave this country. You are a traitor. She’s a communist puppet. She’s a lier. She’s a fraud. She’s corrupt. She’s a bumbling idiot. How she’s getting any votes (other than cheating and the mentally insane) is beyond me.

  2. Vote Red ! Sounds like you are describing her brain dead voters too !! As far as lying to America , the Beeotch proved she has no trouble doing it , stating Joe Biden is as sharp as he ever was( maybe that’s true) but note he’s senile with his corrupt stupidity !!! I’d she could lie about that, she could lie about everything !!!

  3. Polls are bullshit. They sample Democrats nearly 2-1 over Republicans and Independents. Keep pushing and campaigning like you are 5 points behind. Never give up and we will win.

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