(Commenting on)  SUPPORTIVE ACTOR: George Clooney labels Biden’s dropping out as most selfless act since George Washington (video)



  1. A COUP is a COUP no matter what the defenders of Democracy have to say. Just listened to Kaine in Buena Vista, VA defend everything the Harris/biden administration has done. Said the border is fine, the economy is booming and they’ve lowered the interest rate. Biggest bunch of hogwash I have ever heard live.
    Talked to a SEAL who said we all need to pray and GOD will fix what ails the Country. He also said to get ready to defend the Country if SHTF.
    šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡² TRUMP/Vance TSUNAMI 2024 šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡²

  2. george clooney should STFU. He is a dirtbag. kaine is no better. Another asshole liberal who can’t see the forest through the trees. Who was the bitch on Fox late night 9/2/24 early am hours who kept yapping about Trump. These people are pathetic. Every thing she said was a slam at something Trump said. How about slam her in the face for what she is saying.

  3. joe biden can’t get the hell out of the way fast enough as far as I am concerned. He is as useless as a turd that won’t flush. Where the hell has the asshole been. Hiding on the beach the last month.

  4. Clooney is a demonic yesman puppet for the Obamas. They probably have blckmail video of him snorting coke and having gay orgies on DeCaprioā€™s yacht.

  5. What a joke! Selflessā€ act???ā€¦Biden was given the choice of volunteering to drop out or being amendment 25 out..and probably wouldnā€™t be given other perks promised to him to ā€œdropā€ out. Clooney and others like him are the problem..

  6. What a freakin moron. Sleepy Joe didnā€™t bow out,he was forced out. Thatā€™s not a selfless act. That is an insurrection manipulated by Obuma and his minions.

  7. So Clooney is a political adviser now? He thinks everything is great? Maybe if you live in an elite bubble! Most of us live in the real world! And right now it sucks!!

  8. Biden, suffers from dementia so his party forced him out because everyone knows heā€™s suffering from it. Bidenā€™s polling was so bad, his lack of support was going to harm other Democrats down the ballot. Thatā€™s why they set him up with an unusually early debate. Maybe Clooney is trying to be relevant but his perception of reality would make one think he is also suffering from dementia.

  9. Who gives a crap what this fantasy playing idiot thinks. Heā€™s another washed up actor that should keep his opinions to himself! Hollywood actors think they are high and mighty, well yā€™all read scripts and role play! Your opinions donā€™t mean squat! Go back to your hole and dig a little deeper. Ao sick of these hollyweird people!

  10. Yea Clooney after you all kicked Bidens boney ass out of the race. And….who died and put you in charge as the spokesman for the fray of the deep state. You are not for America that made you rich and famous. And how dare you and your wife file suit against Netanyahu. You are anti Semitic, and support Hamas. and anti freedom. Nothing but shameful.

  11. One clueless immoral pošŸ’© that actually thinks heā€™s relevant, sorry scumbag youā€™re NOT. Why anyone with a brain idolize shills like this is beyond comprehension. This clown would be a nothing burger if he was out in the real world like one of us. Just another pretty little boy elitist thatā€™s full of himself. Sissy boy PUNK.

  12. Yaā€™ll- remember the video of Biden walking on the White House sidewalk and instead of turning right with the sidewalk- he kept walking his stiff robotic walk straight into the grass? The elites watched the USA accept a demented leader. Biden hasnā€™t been present this entire Presidency and the whole thing has been eerie and unsettling.
    Clooney is a Looney or a paid sponsor

  13. Fuck you clooney…you are a has-been actor. Selfless act your ass. joe biden is a self-absorbed dumb ass donkey butt MFer. He was forced out george, he didn’t bow out on his own because of being selfless. HE WAS FORCED OUT by obama, pelosi, schumer and the other dirtbag democrat minions because he would never have won the presidency against DJT. Even CNN threw joe under the bus. HAHAHAHAHA. It’s delicious to see joe run over by the CNN bus, the ones who lied for him for the last 3 1/2 years.. So the kackling kunt kamala just slid right in to pick up the slack without so much as a vote, thus disenfranchising 14,000,000 voters. Nice going george, you dumb ass has been actor. He was threatened george. obama allegedly threatened him to bow out or else he would spill the beans for real on all joe’s shady fucking deals like quid pro quo, violating the Hatch act, the Emoluments clause, lying, taking money from foreign entities, influence peddling, the hunter biden laptop, jill’s phony doctor title, the threat to the Ukraine prosecutor investigating hunter’s shady deals with ukraine oligarchs, and how joe was involved in demanding big tech to sensor people, sensor covid, and sensor DJT from his First Amendment Rights. He may even have had the media squelch the assassination attempt with the lying cheatle and rowe who refused to answer questions. “We can’t disclose anything because of an ongoing investigation.” Bullshit george. The democrats decided to replace the dumb ass joe with kam-u-nist, kommunist, komrad, konniving, koksuking kackling kunt kamala who doesn’t know her ass from a hole in the ground. She isn’t qualified to run a dog show. joe biden has always been all for himself and his dirtbag family of grifters since the day he became a sleazy politician. You know it, we know it and the world knows it. Evidently you don’t know that hunter is guilty of tax evasion and so is his stupid sister. Both couldn’t even pay their federal taxes on time. hunter had his sugar daddy attorney do it for him. Doesn’t absolve him of breaking the law, he still broke the law by not paying his taxes on time, you idiot. I guess kackling kunt kamala will pardon hunter if she is elected. We are going to try our best to make sure this ho bag is nowhere near the oval office in 2025.

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