(Commenting on)  STUNNING UPDATE: Why James O’Keefe was detained near Canadian border, and a Border Patrol whistleblower speaks out



  1. You can’t forget that the mainstream news media is helping the current administration cover up this horrific tragedy!!! Hopefully justice will prevail and all those people involved will be punished!!!

  2. What they do to the innocent children is unbelievable and disgusting! I pray for them! This Government is so corrupt! Dems and Republicans! Along with all the elite Hollywood cronies! I have heard they use the innocent children for so disgusting things Torture , harvest, fermions etc. So sad our World has become to all the sadness, save our innocent children that can’t protect themselves and pray they find them soon ☺️

  3. I couldn’t make sense of fermions but here is a piece of info about baby harvesting which is reprehensible and disgusting and insane. All for some inhuman filthy cockroaches and maggots to make big money by selling babies. Baby factories have sometimes tricked or abducted women to be raped in order to sell their babies. In 2008, a network of baby factories claiming to be orphanages, was revealed in Enugu, Enugu State (Nigeria), by police raids. In June 2011, in Aba, Nigeria, 32 pregnant girls were freed from a baby farm that claimed to help pregnant teenagers but would then force them to give their babies up. In October 2011, seventeen pregnant women (thirty according to some sources) were found in Ihiala, Anambra, in a hospital of the Iheanyi Ezuma Foundation. Five more baby factories were discovered in 2013, and eight more were discovered in 2015. I guess this is what child trafficking is. Inhuman and disgusting. So vermont state police are trying to silence O’Keefe. No wonder, they are probably getting kickbacks from it.


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