(Commenting on)  STRATEGY?: Sources claim Kamala will focus on Trump attacks over policy for upcoming debate



  1. Yes a cheap.attempt at throwing stones at Trump to get the focus off of her faure / illegal self and obviously not presenting anything to do with her policies and plans because she has NONE ( except OUR continued destruction) . Will tampon timmy make an appearance ??.CANNOT wait to hear DMLs input I’m too sick to watch this shit show …..Godbless DML.

  2. Like you’ve never complained, lied about it disparaged Trump? He will put you in your place for sure. Can’t wait. He is a great president with a great record. ❤️🇺🇸 And your record stinks. 💩

  3. Let’s see what Tulsi tells him about how to counter Kamala.

    I think Trump should push the attacks back on her by saying how viciously he’s attacked and has been. Trump should clarify what was in the bill that the Dems were trying to slip by. He should emphasize that you don’t need a bill to secure the border. The President can do it. That bill was designed to be pushed through with sneaky stuff in it to benefit the Dems. That’s a pattern with the Dems.

    • Like 60 billion for Ukraine. The vast majority of the money going to other Countries while about 20 out of 118 billion going for Our Border.

  4. Be smart DJT, don’t get dragged into a name calling false narrative that the clown show is apparently planning. No word salads, just the facts. Focus on making America self sufficient, get away from EVERYTHING coming from China especially our pharmaceuticals. The false narrative around climate change which is nothing more than additional hidden taxes on we the people that’s been going on for decades making the scumbags richer at our expense. Focus on policies that’s killing small businesses and our industries. Ridiculous regulations are killing this country. And most importantly get these ILLEGALS the hell out of our republic. Take care of our veterans that have sacrificed so much for this once great republic. STOP PRINTING MONEY, it’s not fixing anything! Get back to the basics, clean up the corrupt woke educational system and wokeness in general it’s not solved anything. Perversion is not the answer! The devil DEMONcrates are nothing more than commies destroying our republic.

  5. It’s simple for Trump. Ignore her and stick to the issues. Inflation, illegal immigration, crime and preventing a nuclear war. She will come off as a desperate empty suit.

  6. Yes, TRUMP needs to stick to his policies and rebuttal whatever whacked out policies she has if any? Which would be a continuation of the Obama & Soros agenda.
    🐪 Toe is also gonna sling 💩 at Trump. As in all the indictments & Stormy D! He has plenty of ammo against her such as:
    1. Soros & son, Obama
    2. Hillary Clinton
    3. Aligence to BLM, ANTIFA, CAIR & OTHERS.
    5. Abby Gate Travesty
    6. Flip/Flip, Steal the Deal
    7. Obviously OPEN BORDERS
    11. FRACKING
    12. HEELS 👠 👠 UP HARRIS

    TRUMP/VANCE 2024 🇺🇸🇺🇸

    • Good post Kitkat. Add to this list the counterfeit poster at a Philadelphia public transport bus stop. The PHL Eagles DO NOT endorse kamala the kackling kunt. They are working with their media people to make sure the public is aware that they do not endorse kamala and the sign is a counterfeit.

  7. That’s all they’ve got is trashing Trump.
    He just needs to stay focused on the issues and policies, and not let her rattle him. He can throw up all he wants after the annihilation.

  8. The problem with the “Border Bill” that didn’t go through is a waste of time. Biden has the LEGAL AUTHORITY to CLOSE THE BORDER at any time! No need for any “Border Bill”…this is 💯 a presidential issue! Biden can but won’t shut our border! Plus that “Border Bill” was stuffed with other items and also crazy border legislation…

  9. The problem with the “Border Bill” that didn’t go through is a waste of time. Biden has the LEGAL AUTHORITY to CLOSE THE BORDER at any time! No need for any “Border Bill”…this is 💯 a presidential issue! Biden can but won’t shut our border! Plus that “Border Bill” was stuffed with other items and also crazy border legislation…

  10. She will play her race card , woman card or whatever other card she thinks she has to try and pull Trump into a name calling game that’s what these libtards do! Trump should focus on all the failures of this president and V.P. and just let her implode just like Joe did!

  11. Oh of course! The politics of personal distruction instead of substance! That always works for the left, and the press is always willing run with the misinformation (known as LIES by the common man). So going unchallanged by the press and supported by the courts they can they can lie like a rug, promise a utopian futrure and deliver poverty & misery for all.

  12. I hope I get home in time from a long trip that day to watch it. I’m eager in watching it just like the other debates Trump has had. I love his come backs at them. Hope the debate opens more eyes to the blind people who follow/support her.

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