(Commenting on)  STRANGE: Stranded astronauts aboard Boeing’s Starliner report mysterious, pulsating noise



  1. How do they have enough food, water etc.? And are they have s*x with each other? Asking for a friend, of course. 😅

    • Hey, maybe that is a vibrator left in their luggage. I couldn’t resist. I wondered about food and water myself. There might be a system that pulls moisture out of the air – some type of intake valve and converts it to safe clean drinking water. I cannot imagine it being contaminated at that flight level.

    • They may have been stocked with MRE’s just like the Military have when they are out doing maneuvers. I certainly hope they have more than they need. Some meals are claimed to have a 25 year shelf life. I can’t wrap my head around that one. I pray for their safe return. Just how are they going to do this.

  2. FORGET THE STUPID S*X REMARK IT IS INSULTING TO THE ASTRONAUTS! I am sure their families are worried about them . I pray they do have enough food and water and wish them well!

  3. The noise I’m sure effects the astronauts if they can’t stop hearing it.
    I wondered about their supplies also. Food and water.

  4. Wow! That’s a LONG time to have to be away from their families after expecting to be away for only a short time!!! And yes, I hope they have enough food and water to last that long!

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