(Commenting on) SPECIAL REPORT: Kamala’s brother-in-law fleeced taxpayers for billions to give to left-wing groups and lawyers, defended Taliban terrorist
And does this surprise anyone since he is related to the VP who funded get out of jail cards for the looters and burners during the summer riots? That’s what I thought, no one!
It just gets worse and worse every day, doesn’t it. The kam-u-nist, kommunist, kopycat, konniving, kolluding, kackling kunt is a fraud.
I’m surprised this was even published.
Trump needs to take all this and make more ads. C*ntmala and the whole commie administration need to be stopped!
We have to stop all terrorist activity in the USA. You come to this country you deny the country you are from. Leave those beliefs where they belong. America is for Americans. You shouldn’t be able to come to this country with a towel over your head saying that’s what you believe. This country above all others or gtfo and stay where you are from.
Dark to light! For the last few months just look at what has come to the surface. All God’s people staying strong, never give up. We are in the storm. I believe with my whole heart the dear lord will reveal the evil the world over. We have been robbed for generations. God’s Love, Grace and Blessing to All.
Dear God, will the Democrats corruption ever end? Time to remove every Democrat from the DOJ and vote every Democrat out of office.
And does this surprise anyone since he is related to the VP who funded get out of jail cards for the looters and burners during the summer riots? That’s what I thought, no one!
It just gets worse and worse every day, doesn’t it. The kam-u-nist, kommunist, kopycat, konniving, kolluding, kackling kunt is a fraud.
I’m surprised this was even published.
Trump needs to take all this and make more ads. C*ntmala and the whole commie administration need to be stopped!
We have to stop all terrorist activity in the USA. You come to this country you deny the country you are from. Leave those beliefs where they belong. America is for Americans. You shouldn’t be able to come to this country with a towel over your head saying that’s what you believe. This country above all others or gtfo and stay where you are from.
Dark to light! For the last few months just look at what has come to the surface. All God’s people staying strong, never give up. We are in the storm. I believe with my whole heart the dear lord will reveal the evil the world over. We have been robbed for generations. God’s Love, Grace and Blessing to All.
Dear God, will the Democrats corruption ever end? Time to remove every Democrat from the DOJ and vote every Democrat out of office.