(Commenting on)  SPECIAL REPORT: FBI launches investigation after many conservatives hit with dangerous swatting attacks



  1. Swatting HAS killed innocent people already. What is happening now is domestic terrorism. It’s a typical leftest move. Hide behind your Xbox or PlayStation and attempt to get people killed. I pray the new FBI catches every single one of them. I pray that no one is killed. Make swatting a federal crime and if anyone dies you’re up for the death penalty automatically. Let’s go get them Kash and Bongino!!

  2. It’s probably someone who promised to move out of the country if DJT became the next American president 🇺🇸 I’m pretty sure there’s a way to track international calls ???

  3. This sums up the cult commie devil DEMONcrates and the level of evilness they will stoop to. They truly have become a threat to our republic. This is the party of hate, racism, perversion, anti America, anti Christian, anti constitution and flat out liars 🤥. Pathetic immoral commie scumbags.

  4. This is the first time I have ever heard of swatting someone’s home. Are these swatters, buying fake law enforcement uniforms? Only a matter of time someone dies! 🙏🙏


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