(Commenting on)  SOS: Iconic pop group demands Trump stop playing their songs during rallies, events



  1. The money money money song has always been associated with Trump since the apprentice.
    I wish Trump would have the musicians who support him make his own play list..

    • I agree. I know of many talented artists who support him. Why not use and promote their music instead of these artists who want to rebuke half of the country?

  2. The problem is, Trump pays a licensing fee for all of that music. Their statements are either virtue signaling, stupidity, or both. And they happily accept the money that he pays to use their music.

    • Yes that’s just what I was going to say they all get paid for their music regardless I don’t know what they are whining about.

  3. You’d think they would appreciate the free advertising! Thousands at the rallies and millions watching in cable. Stupid, ignorant liberals!

  4. Put it in perspective. These artists vastly support the most demonic and evil people on earth and totally reject anyone who supports Christ and goodness.

  5. Why should he have to pay a licensing fee? You buy a song, record, etc, it’s yours to use anyway you want. Just so long as your not selling it or charging people to listen to it.

    • Right on point Claude. They just can’t recall that the venue pays for a Blanket License to use artist’s songs on their performance stage. I just bet Trump’s team also filed for the license also. He might not have had to because the Venue is responsible for having that in place. The Venue should show them a copy of the Blanket License, their acceptance and the Venue’s payment receipt for verification.

  6. Well thats just too bad, Trump paid for the right to play your music and you took his money so “SUCK IT UP BUTTERCUP!”

  7. These puffed up blow hards sell the rights to their music, then get pissed off when somebody they don’t like plays it?!?! Grow up dummies….there’s nothing you can do but whine now. Should have held on to your own stuff….then you could have a say. Greedy little money grubbers can’t have it both ways.

  8. Sorry abba, not sorry. Whenever a song is played by any specific group a BLANKET LICENSE is applied for from the venue and the group holding the venue. A Blanket License may have an expiration date (may have) but it also may be indefinite held by the venue and applies to anyone who uses the venue. You can’t dictate who plays your music as long as that Blanket LICENSE is in place and the music acquired is from an original soundtrack and not a pirated copy. You are has-beens from the 70’s and not relevant any longer. GFY assholes. Go back to stockholm and stay the hell there.

  9. Screw em. Just play Lee Greenwood songs and others who see what a mess our country is in right now.
    I’m sure many gospel groups would love to have their songs played at the rallies.

  10. Nimb wits.. you signed up for it when Trumps campaign purchased the licensing fee.. you have been paid so STFU..

  11. What cry babies. Who’s paying these artists off to complain about NOTHING! Commies.

    Everyone needs to stop watching movies and buying music from these demons. They should feel honored a president is playing their music. 🎵 what asses.

    • SURCHARGE THEIR GOODS…..35% taken off the top automatically of every sale, then 10% from the music store or online retailer selling their products for taking up shelf space. Bet their sales would plummet.

  12. All has beens who should be happy that someone is playing their music. What an absolute hateful bunch of nobody’s. Just remember, Karma is a bitch and you will get yours. This is AMERICA where we have Freedom of speech and the Freedom to listen to whatever we want to and to VOTE for whomever we choose!!! MAGA MAGA MAGA🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  13. I have an idea…..how about every music store selling abba’s music add a 35% surcharge for importing and selling their music (Albums, CD’s) and online purchases made and/or downloaded to phones and computers in the US. They must hate America but they sure like that $$$$$$$$$ they made here, didn’t they? Surcharge the bastards 35% and take it automatically off the royalty fee they receive from each album/CD sold. Then charge them an additional 10% stocking fee for taking up space in their shop throughout the US. See how that works for them. Would that be a GOTCHA, abba?

    • To add insult to your great solution , REFUND Trump’s licensing fees he’s not getting what he PAID for so REFUND it is ….screw ALL and do this taxing to them too…he didn’t pull a Napster ..

  14. Every time I learned of music groups demanding cease use of their music….makes me
    A. Dislike them due to their obvious support of fascism and communism (they are that stupid).
    B.Wonder why they sing about Love and Peace and Wonder and whatever….yet stomp their feet if one does not think their way politically.
    C. And ABBA of all groups? Support killing babies do they? I understand that 1 of those women is directly connected to Nazism. She is a product of birthing arian “pure” race. The monsters who slaughtered millions of people for not thinking “their way”.

  15. Anytime they release their songs out for sale for CDs records of whatever, anyone that purchased songs has a right to play it anywhere anytime. They paid for it,so apparently they’re just out luck. Trump 2024.🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

    • I guess their estates pull the strings now and can still do it. I don’t know how. I have never heard of some of them. When you are dead, you are dead. Cannot use any money or royalties at that point from the grave unless it somehow goes to the attorney probating the will and estate. At some point the probate on an estate is closed out. Go figure.

  16. Keep listing those that are opposed to him using their music so we can boycott them. Do to them what was done to Bud Light! Most of us don’t really care what any celebrity thinks. Those that are American Citizens are the dumb ones that will vote for the Democratic Party “Plan B” nominee. Got no use for them.

  17. I bet Aaron Lewis would be happy to have DT play his music. His team needs to seek out the Patriotic artists and use their music. F the whiney little pop heads.

  18. Never again, will I ever download or play an ABBA song in my home. What an insult to most Americans. Suddenly your song disgusts me.

  19. I love all of the above comments!! These whiner artists dont know who they’re dealing with. MAGA patriots don’t have time for the shallow idiots who think so highly of themselves, that see us as dust on their over priced shoes. We have a country to save! We could give a care about their itty bitty feelings.

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