(Commenting on)  REPORT: Some Democrats plot to disrupt Trump’s speech to Congress [Leavitt responds]



  1. Bunch of ANTI AMERICAN swamp creatures! Democrats have no morals or ethics! They want everything their way! They are so full of hate ! It is pathetic and embarrassing to our country!

  2. They don’t get it and will just loose more voters in 2026. Well no one will be ripping up president Trumps this time will only hurt themselves when everyone will watch the way they act.

  3. And we the people pay these immature little commies. Imagine in the private sector as your CEO is addressing the staff and they started this childish bull💩, bet your job would be gone in a heartbeat where these despicable clown get paid for life. Pretty f’d up to me.

  4. Escort these treasonous bastards out of the room if that happens. Have them thrown in jail for disruption. They are allegedly pissed they won’t be getting their little kick-back checks from zelensky if there is no agreement. zelensky doesn’t want peace, he wants the flow of money to continue from America and our involvement in a full-blown war in his stinking war. This is all on the ugly American joe biden. He didn’t do anything about it. Get the hell out of America demo-RATS, and you too zelensky. Don’t let the door hit you in your asses on the way out. I despise you and your filth.

  5. Trump should stop the speech and have them forcible removed from the chamber. Perhaps even arrested if that’s possible. (I know, I know democrats are above the law) but there ought to be something you can do. Pull their security clearances because they are out of control.

  6. Every single one of these demo-RATS voted to keep trans men in women’s sports. GTFO of here you despicable lowlifes. None of you deserve a paycheck. How about Americans demand you not get paid.

  7. This is beyond disrespectful!! These Dems are acting like middle schoolers the way they are conducting themselves! It’s ridiculous & embarrassing to this country! Look at everything President Trump has accomplished already in a short amount of time! If it doesn’t go their way they stomp their feet & behave like out of control toddlers. The President should have everyone removed that causes a disruption & no one should be allowed in with any so called “props” to cause a ruckus. All disruptors should be fined or this behavior will continue everytime he’s making an address to Congress.

  8. I hope they cause issues..with tens of millions watching they all can see how Democrats are all about THEMSELVES..NOT the American people.. I hope President Trump calls them out by name when they act like idiots. Wonder if they will yell profanities it seems to be their thing now. Bet the Democrat supporters wish they had adults they could get behind. Keep digging you must be close to hell by now.

  9. If they disrupt an official proceeding isn’t that the same thing they charged the J6rs for? They don’t get it, tge more they challenge Trump the more they lose at the poles. Soon the independent party will over take the demnuts and they will be the party of AOC and Hogg. Midterms will be interesting.


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