GOD bless this man! GOD bless all our troops and may the souls “murdered” rest in heavens peace.
Only the good die young. The piece of s*it Biden will never die he’s so evil and when satan finally takes him may he rot in hell!
That piece of shit Biden should be charged with treason along with most of his administration
biden compromised the sovereignty of America. But nothing will be done to this useless beady eyed brain-dead bastard. He will get to enjoy the rest of his life in luxury with all the ill-begotten money he made with dirtbag hunter’s shady deals with foreign entities. 10% for the big guy, right joe you slime ball. Don’t let the door hit you in the ass, you despicable smelly cow-puck. You will NEVER be missed but your filthy policies will be remembered for what they did to America forever.
Biden planted many seeds, seeds of corruption in government, which will mature if not eradicated!
GOD bless this man! GOD bless all our troops and may the souls “murdered” rest in heavens peace.
Only the good die young. The piece of s*it Biden will never die he’s so evil and when satan finally takes him may he rot in hell!
That piece of shit Biden should be charged with treason along with most of his administration
biden compromised the sovereignty of America. But nothing will be done to this useless beady eyed brain-dead bastard. He will get to enjoy the rest of his life in luxury with all the ill-begotten money he made with dirtbag hunter’s shady deals with foreign entities. 10% for the big guy, right joe you slime ball. Don’t let the door hit you in the ass, you despicable smelly cow-puck. You will NEVER be missed but your filthy policies will be remembered for what they did to America forever.
Biden planted many seeds, seeds of corruption in government, which will mature if not eradicated!