(Commenting on)  Broke, Woke & Crazy Folk 6/21: Chinese farmland in U.S.; Bloomberg Helps Biden; AI mayoral candidate; NY AG drops charges against protesters; Plus, if every Christian voted… and more



  1. F you Bloomberg you pathetic pos… How anyone could support Biden at this point is mind boggling…

  2. Why was the sale of farm lands, whether close to military bases or not, allowed to be obtained by China any way? Now they want to know how to fix the problem! The idiots that sold to them is the problem!

    • This really pisses me off. No one can own land in china, not even their own citizens. Why do we allow these crooked eyed bastards to purchase farmland or any land at all here. chinese citizens can only lease the land to build a house, they cannot own the land. That is how china controls their people. china needs a giant tsunami to wipe them off the face of the earth.

  3. Bloomberg can not decide what he is but he could start with stupid ! How people could vote for Biden is just mind boggling ! I want to live where they live ! They evidently live in a better world than me .

  4. I just saw a video this evening with bragg spouting some garbage. He must be so proud of himself releasing all those pro-hamas pigs. Appears the fat ass was wearing a chinese banner across his chest? I guess bragg has gone full commie.

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