(Commenting on)  SHOCKING: Senior Citizens in Florida, rally in golf cart parade for Harris 2024 (videos)



  1. The residents of The Villages have a rather tawdry reputation – goes right along with Kamala. Probably why they support her.

  2. I’ll believe there is actual ‘support’ when she can get 98 miles of cars like President Trump got in Arizona!!

    • They all sold those big mansions for millions up north and went to the villages to build a double wide style mobile home piece of junk that would blow away in a windstorm. You couldn’t pay me to live in one of those.

    • That’s just what I was thinking! Probably a bunch of stupid liberals from New York! I’m 74 and I have enough wisdom not to vote for the cackling clown! Trump 2024!!!!!!!!!

  3. Wow that’s crazy. We are 70 and retired and my husband and I are both voting for Trump.

  4. They have one and a half feet in the grave, so they care not about the destruction of the United States.

  5. These stupid old fools are probably transplants from New Jersey and New York bringing their leftist lunacy policies with them! They should do some research before getting excited about Harris..they might be surprised as to what chaos and havoc Harris will bring to our country..you would think at their age they would be wiser….but you can’t fix stupid at any age!

    • Let me tell you exactly why. Number one, it’s the STD capital of the United States honest truth and number two it’s all teachers cuz they’re the only ones that can afford to live there. Effing unions! 🥴

      • They have a lot of swingers in there!! STD is running rampant for sure!! Some crazy stuff with these people.

  6. The villages is allegedly all those Jewish people from New York. They have not been awakened yet, have they? democrats will throw them to the curb just like they throw black people to the curb and now old white people.
    But democrats will kiss the asses of the illegal freeloaders which kamala the kommie kunt says “illegals are not criminals”….We stayed there about 20 years ago when they first opened to plan for the future when we retired. I can imagine how over-crowded it is now. Nope, not for us nor will it ever be for us.

      • I have them in mine also. My husband served in the Military. Stupid liberal brother in law said to me one day when we were visiting, well he didn’t serve in Nam. I wanted to sock the SOB in his teeth. I reminded him he didn’t serve at all but popped out a kid to avoid the draft and 6 more after that. Since Mom and Dad provided for them, they kept popping out kids. He had a lousy job stocking shelves at the local supermarket. I reminded brother in law that boots were not on the ground yet in Nam and my husband was honorably discharged shortly before Nam started to heat up. You could have heard a pin drop in that room. He left the room. It was a “gotcha” moment he won’t forget. When 2nd parent passed, they were first ones to arrive for Will reading. Imagine that. Couldn’t wait to get the rest of Mom and Dad’s money they thought they were entitled to. FFS they already collected 18 years worth.

  7. Oh..we’ve heard about the Elitist at The Villages. A swinger’s community. Harris will fit in.

  8. These old people are left over liberal hippies from the 60s and 70s. I’m 75 so I remember. TRUMP24! 🇺🇸

    • They were allegedly the ones doing heroine and other drugs at Woodstock music festival in 1969. Performers at Woodstock, Janis Joplin, Jimmie Hendrix, The Who. Joplin died of a heroine OD, and Hendrix died of OD on barbiturates after he aspirated his own vomit in his sleep. I guess these jerks at the Villages are allegedly suffering from the effects of brain damage from that era of using drugs. If they are new yorkers, they were close to Woodstock.

  9. The Republicans better make it very clear Trump is not going to do away with Medicare but Harris will destroy it & medical supplements as well. Trump better repeat that over & over!

    • This kommunist kunt wants to overhaul medical insurance plans with health care for all with no medicare and no supplements. She wants to dismantle all private insurance companies. I call BS. She is a radical maggot. Why should we have to give up what we worked a lifetime for so someone else can have health care that didn’t earn it and wants it for free.

  10. Wait until Harris’s true colors come out. Maybe that’ll wake them up. God open their eyes. Amen

  11. My guess is they are transplants from Blue states. They haven’t learned, they ruined their states then moved south because they could not afford to live and didn’t like policies in place in those states. AND NOW THEY WILL RUIN THE BELOVED STATES THEY MOVED TO.

    However, 500 golfcarts doesn’t beat the THOUSAND AND THOUSANDS ATTENDING TRUMP RALLIES IN FLORIDA.

  12. No the craps got hold of them and make them believe Trump will take away their social security. I hear this all the time.

  13. The villages most people come from the north to settle down there mostly brain dead and Democrat that will never change people just don’t vote to save a country for policies they vote party they don’t even realize what they’re voting for they’re hoping to save Obamacare the worst insurance ever they’re old farts with no brains I guess they’re not concerned about their children grandchildren great-grandchildren they are too selfish to even think about them or they are brain dead and their brains can figure it out. God bless America God bless Donald Trump

  14. Do these braindead assholes know that harris will take away their medicare, inflict higher taxes, mandate EV’s that implode, allow open borders, give everything free to illegals but they will have to pay their own way, she will defund the police, defund and eliminate ICE. Do they know that?

  15. Those are the useful idiots from Democrat states ! They come to Florida to escape the tyranny! Now they want to f¥(k up my state

  16. No, not all seniors are supporting Harris!
    The Villages are not all of Florida (and the are getting worse by the year)!

  17. Ugh….these liberal transplant Yankees are the worst. I believe they are the minority in Florida but republican Floridians get out there and fight fight fight!

  18. You would think at there age they would know better. Don’t they remember the 60’s and Jimmy Carter in the 70’s? I’m 76 and did some stupid stuff but these old people are REALLY STUPID!!!

  19. Maybe they should think about the Social Security money that Kamala, Joe and the Democrats are giving out to illegals and its usually more a month than people who actually worked for it.

  20. Well these are people that moved from the blue states. They are coming with the stupid ideas they brought with them. Didn’t learn the lessons and now are trying to destroy the red states. Unbelievable!!! Trump 2024!❤️🇺🇸

  21. But even if many of them die before the election their Party will still make sure that their ballots are counted.

  22. These are the same people who put bath scrunchies in different colors on their golf cart so people know what direction they “swing”. So of course they would support Willie’s girl!

  23. Bunch of nuts! Just wait until their insurance goes up, social security is diminished, more illegals crossing the border to their little paradise, their investments go to the shits. We will all be paying for all the illegals. Wonder why more than half of these people don’t go back to their states up north. Maybe because their states are all taken over by illegal immigrations. Idiots!

  24. What a bunch of F’ing idiots. Wonder how many of those idiots are wanting to have abortions on demand. Do they not realize this illegal immigration is leading to the depletion of Social Security and their benefits. Maybe these people are just too rich to care, Country Club Liberals.

    • The Villages is not a high-end community. We went there 20 years ago looking at retirement communities and it was a downer for us. Those houses are similar to double-wides with no garages, only a car port, very close together and row after row of them…White, Pink, Blue, Yellow, Green, Gray, repeat. You can hear your neighbor fart. But you got a golf cart with your home purchase and free golf. Now you can’t even get tee times. I couldn’t stand the place. We stayed 3-days as they offered a little get-away from an advertisement to explore the place. We couldn’t wait to leave but stuck it out because we already paid for the stay. Although we love Florida, just not there. It was a downer for us. That area is now so crowded, you can’t even go to a grocery store without getting stuck in traffic even if the store is 5 minutes away. We ended up in NC

  25. Fucking idiots… You’d think they would know better… WTF… Is our country really that far gone already???

  26. I wouldn’t give her the benefit of clicking on any of her posts, don’t need to watch the Democrat spew her garbage. How in the world can so many seniors be that stupid to rally behind her and for Harris, all of them must be dim wits.

  27. A bunch of liberal shitheads from the North. What could anyone expect? Thankfully, this is not the position of most people in Florida. Such a disgusting display especially from elderly folks who will most likely be very badly affected by Kamala’s/Biden’s policies. I guess they will learn in real time.

  28. Desantis needs to reevaluate their properties and raise their property taxes. Let them house a couple ms13 members.

  29. There are a lot of Jewish people living in the Villages and a lot of people from the northeast.. I support Israel Village people. I don’t support harris. Hey Village people, you better get your heads out of your asses. harris did not denounce the attack on Israel today 7/27/24. Why the hell not? And you dumb asses support this piece of trash harris for president. Israel IS OUR ALLY. You all at the Villages better get your heads out of your asses. There were children murdered today by a terrorist attack. Are you Village people brain dead. There were some people laying dead in the street, one young girl with her leg blown off by a rocket launched lebanon. At least 14 know dead. You people truly are dumb asses at the Villages in support of harris. She almost had to be dragged to meet with PM Netanyahu and where the hell was joe biden. Ohh, I forgot, the ass was back in delaware on a vacation again. Guess you didn’t realize our REAL PRESIDENT TRUMP graciously met with him last evening.

  30. Given the population in the Villages, this is not a turnout that should leave anyone impressed. 500 carts with an avg of 2 people is 1,000 people. Trump rallies draw 50,000 people. Not sure why this is even newsworthy.

    • I agree with that. 1000 is a drop in the bucket for FL. That is a RED state with Ron DeSantis.

      Look at this interesting article of FL purging the voter roles. The same bill, 2023’s SB 7050, proposed 27 changes to the state’s election code, including toughening up requirements for maintaining lists of voters kept by county supervisors of elections and making it easier to declare registered voters inactive or ineligible.

      By the end of that year (2023), more than 1 million registered voters were dropped from Florida’s active voter rolls, according to state records. Of the voters dropped, 170,274 were Republican, 503,924 were NPA and 566,021 were Democrats.

      According to the state, the voters were moved to inactive status because they hadn’t voted in the past two elections and didn’t respond in time to mailings about the change. This makes it doubly important, if you plan to vote this November, to make sure your registration is still valid.

  31. The Trump haters will vote for anything as long as it’s not Trump. You would think, after voting for Biden, these people would have learned a thing or two. Voting “against Trump” obviously taught them nothing……sad!

  32. I guess from this we can assume that Harris has inherited the dementia vote from Joe Biden. After all I’ve always considered that anybody that would vote for Biden has to be a little crazy anyway and that’s even more true for Harris.

  33. I want to know who they were touting before Queen Kamala stepped in. I agree, those villagers have a lifestyle that fits the left ideology from what I see in clips and read. You know, the color Pom poms?

  34. It’s pretty scary to think that there are that many brain dead people in one place in Florida, but since someone said a lot are Jewish, many are/were teachers, and they are mostly from New York, that explains everything!!!

  35. Unfortunately the Villages is made up of very liberal northerners that came down here to retire from their liberal northern states. Not true Floridians and most of them hate DeSantis. Maybe a few will pass before election day!

  36. All my libtard cousins from illinois moved to FL. My uncle who lives in another country is actually coming back in November just to vote for the Dems. SICK !

  37. This is what happens when the body’s (Democrats) from the north east move to Florida. They all moved to get away from there communist states from crime and taxes etc. But there brains stayed up north. They are totally delusional on what could happen with a Harris presidency. Remember! YOU CANT FIX STUPID!!!!! I moved to Florida from Connecticut 7 years ago. I have never felt so free in my life here in Florida…I had to make a trip back up to Connecticut recently to my hometown… Now it’s like a third world country. It is unrecognizable. The beaches parks have been taken over by illegal Aliens The grocery store isles are now in Spanish Even the food variety has changed. I couldn’t believe my own eyes. These people at the villages are fucking stupid Ignorant assholes.
    DONALD J TRUMP 2024 🇺🇸

  38. The picture itself explains itself. These folks live in a bubble they don’t care about the American people that are living outside their perimeter.. they don’t care about people suffering from the Biden Harris policies they care only about themselves

  39. Funny there were no golf carts for Biden..
    Sadly these people watch CNN. They live part time in a state that is ran by a Republican and enjoy all the policies that make that state wonderful.
    Also these people have money. Look at where they live .. sadly they can afford to be stupid because the policies under Kamala do no effect them like they do us…
    Maybe knowing that the village has this ideology we should send speakers there to talk to them … Rent the hall and invite them to listen..

  40. I have the same experience in my family with my Sister and Brother in law, they must get their News from the View and their snidely biased opinions about Trump, I can’t even have a conversation with them, they don’t want to listen. it’s so frustrating. I don’t even try anymore with them, I just keep the peace . God bless them, and God Bless America. God bless Donald Trump. 🇺🇸 Trump Vance 🇺🇸 .

  41. What comes from NY should stay in New York. These people will vote Democrat even it’s a wet paper bag running for office.

    What’s going to funny to watch is when all these people’s houses devalue in the next 90 days. It’s coming. October Surprise.

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