(Commenting on)  Broke, Woke & Trending Folk 7/3: Actress calls for Biden to eliminate Trump, Stormy Daniels details fearful life, student loan catastrophe, and much more



  1. What is scary to me is the people calling for Trump’s assassination truly do believe he is the devil.
    They believe their side as strongly as we do ours.
    The justices affirmed in their ruling what has already been known. At no time in their ruling does it say either parties president can kill the opposition and have immunity. What is sadder to me is we don’t have people with string moral character it seems any more. The last story and the first seem to go together. If you just followed the ten commandments, well there is no need for any else.
    The train attack. The illigals are hailing from countries where stealing is away of life. My dil comes from Boliva and talks about how unsafe they are there because of thieves.
    These forien countries emptied their criminals and put them at our front door. Biden let them all in.. the attacks are going to get much worse I fear.

  2. Talk about Trump derangement syndrome. This actress really needs some psychiatric help before she completely goes off the rails which she is 99.9% there this is someone who is talking about the Supreme Court who has zero knowledge of how the Supreme Court works. this is a constitutional republic, someone needs to sit down with her and explain how are three branches operates. This is what happens to bumbling idiots who don’t take the time to actually do their homework and just cause havoc on the American people

  3. 1. Lol…Stormy…Thats the business you chose Bye dhhouchebag whore. Also you were duped by the Left and when they didn’t need you anymore the deserted you like the idiot woman in the Kavanaguh Supreme Court incident. They swept that lower woman under the rug when she couldn’t remember anything!!! BYE!!!!! When are you peopl going to learn.

    2. Nurse with mask…Audience is ALWAYS right. STOP WITH THE FUKKING MASK.

  4. 1. Lol…Stormy…Thats the business you chose Bye dhhouchebag whhhore. Also you were duped by the Left and when they didn’t need you anymore the deserted you like the idiot woman in the Kavanaguh Supreme Court incident. They swept that lower woman under the rug when she couldn’t remember anything!!! BYE!!!!! When are you peopl going to learn.

    2. Nurse with mask…Audience is ALWAYS right. STOP WITH THE FHUKING MASK.

  5. What did Stormy Daniels expect from her lies and extortion attempt? I’m not condoning what people are doing, but she never should have done what she did. Lies have a way of coming around and biting you in the rear end. The truth will prevail.

  6. This woman should be arrested for threats to kill a past president of the United States!
    She is a terrorist.

  7. That dike/actress is not going to be arrested for threatening a former president?!! Doomsday gets closer every single day.

  8. Hey you mentally ill dummy we are a constitutional republic, f’n scumbag.
    And for the lying 🤥 hobag no pity here, your just a trashy scumbag that’s lied your way through life along with your other immoral hobag habits.

  9. This twat needs to be found and taken to jail for IT’S threats. I originally thought IT was a HE”. Never heard of this POS. Arrest the beotch and throw IT in jail for a couple years for making threats against Trump. IT is sick and allegedly on crack as many hollywood people are. Crackhead.

  10. orange is the new black star, I guarantee if this person were a republICAN and not a democRat, they would have been there with handcuffs. Look what happened to the peaceful people at the capital they didn’t do anything but go in when tge doors were opened for them. SET-UP. Pelosi admitted it on video it was her fault. Nobody is paying any attention to thus though.

  11. The idiots wanting President Trump killed I hope you spend time with the j6 people. Apparently when most of you get on tv or the movies you lose any intelligence that your little brain had so now you have to be told who to like, what to think and probably how to pop a squat to use the bathroom since democrats can’t figure what sex they are. Why don’t you go around running your big mouth about former presidents before Trump. Go on tv and say the same thing about them see how fast the fbi is at your door.!You are some of the most disgustingly ignorant people on the planet. We will set back and laugh when you lose everything you own to the plague of socialism trying to destroy our country and Biden may be senile now but he’s been a corrupt piece of crap even up to him going in the WH. Oh and the terrorist you lgbtqrst support, look up their countries and see what they do to you there. They hate you as much or more than regular Americans. Sorry but the truth truth hurts & you have a lot of truth coming your way. I know it’s not Christian to feel like this but democrats are from the pits of hell at least those who support this administration are.

  12. Number 3….who gives a rat about stormy daniels. She brought this on herself. Get lost bitch. You are useless. Move to another country if you fear for your safety. You are a sleazy ho bag.

  13. This dyke delaria needs to strap on her fake penis and go find something to hump. How about a shark!

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