(Commenting on)  Broke, Woke & Trending Folk 7/2: Left loses it over immunity case, Trumps go to Saudi Arabia, Cringe Kamala, Radical Islam, and much more



  1. Well idiot morelle, you’ll be opening the doors to PAST presidents as well as the sitting corpse ,to finally being charged with thier REAL crimes they’ve gotten away with .This should be Interesting…..you’re right ..NOONE is above the law ( yeah right) .

  2. Democrats better think twice about trying to reverse SCOTUS’ decision on immunity. If reversed it would boomerang on a couple of their guys.

  3. Democrats are simply having a meltdown and temper tantrum because they know this decion virtually destroys the J6 case against Trump.

  4. The democrat pukes are out of control. Women’s reproductive rights are not on the line. You want an abortion, go to a state that does them, bitch. Or keep your damn knees together. As for morelle and aoc the little twat that she is, they don’t like a decision so now they are going to impeach. Does this mean that every time the Supreme Court rules, you pigs will be out in front of their homes threatening harm to them just like the last time. Lots of luck with that one assholes. No one is above the law, that includes you and your dirtbag lowlife treasonous POS joe biden who cannot put a sentence together. garland should be removed for covering for this asshole, and the Hur tapes should be released with no redactions. Most of them allegedly have already been erased which incriminate that POS joe biden.. Finally, the lie about joe biden is out in full display for all to see. And your media minions were covering for this lowlife treasonous POS for 3 years.

  5. The Jewish banker is arrested when it shows he was defending himself, are cops stupid, I honor the police but not when the proof is there.
    Kid is arrested for doing doughnuts on Queer street painting. When the Hell are straight people going to fight back? Gay flag, gay colors for what, to represent people that have sex with the same sex, so what! Small percentage of people. Why should I have to respect their sexual preferences, keep it at home like I do. Lots of organizations have their own flag to represent them, I don’t see them allowed to paint their flag or colors anywhere they want. BLM does the same, paint on streets. We are supposed to stand back and accept it.
    How about we start painting Republican elephants on the streets or images of Trump plane. Could we get away with that, I really doubt it. How about paintings of the Bible or Scriptures? This country has slowly become Evil, think Gay Naked Parades. When will it STOP?

  6. Item 2 – you mean these bastard libs are going to get away with this comment/threat? Really? The Police/FBI should be all over these filthy pigs right now dragging their asses off to jail for this threat. Appears they are allegedly even threatening the Supreme Court Justices. This is bullshit.

  7. Trump Organization son’s deal with Saudi Arabia……this is not the right time for this. Why now? It will open up an entire new can of worms.


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